7th Ed. Mazdamundi and Engine of the Gods

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Mordechai, May 22, 2009.

  1. Mordechai
    Cold One

    Mordechai New Member

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    I´ve maded a simple conversion to put a Slaan on a Stegadon, to make Lord Mazdamundi, still I use another two engines of the Gods, one with a level 1 Skink Priest and another with a level 2 skink priest (becoming a level 2 and 3), still I use 2 unit with 10 saurus each, only with a musician and used about 4 x 10 units os skinks (2 with blowpipe and 2 with javs and shield)... And I don´t remember the rest...

    I did some good winnings, a few draws and only one lose, so this army is seems to me a good one...

    Well my doubt is, the Mazdamundi and the skink priests can still cast spell while their stegadons are in close combat?!?!

    The power of the Engine of the Gods that deals 1d6 hits with no armour save, can be used when the Stegs are in close combat???

  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Hmm sounds like this should be in rules questions, I will move it for you.

    Yes wizards can still cast while in combat, but remember no magic missiles since you have no line of sight.

    And the engine power can be used from combat also.
  3. Aranigej
    Temple Guard

    Aranigej Member

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    Being on a stegadon (since it is a large target) counts as if you are on a hill right? (its 3:20 am and I just finished studying for the day so I'm dead tired and may be mistaken...)

    If yes, then the mage would, in actual fact, have line of sight to other units even though the steg is in combat. However, if I recall correctly there are some specific prohibitions as to the casting of magic missiles while in combat. In which case, and assuming that all my assumptions are correct (seem to have misplaced my rule book) I would say that a wizard on a steg in combat can cast all spells and can target any unit within its arc of sight unless the spell is a magic missile.

    As regards to burning alignment, as strewart said.
  4. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Not quite a hill... It is a large target, thus he can see over normal sized units. That does NOT however detract from the fact that the model is in combat. Not just the stegadon, you cannot ignore the crew, it is all ONE model. Thus they count as being in combat too and cannot cast anything that requires a LoS esp magic missiles.
  5. kroxigor01

    kroxigor01 Member

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    A model in close combat does not automatically lose its LoS (unless there is a rule hiding somewhere I haven't seen) so a Large Target or a model on the side of a unit that doesn't have an enemy directly infront of them still has LoS to things.

    The only spells I can think of that can NEVER be cast from combat are magic missiles.
  6. Mordechai
    Cold One

    Mordechai New Member

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    I´ve saw in other topic the possibility of joinning the stegadon with a caracter on it in an unit...

    I´ve tested that with this army (as i remember), as follows:

    1 Lord Mazdamundi with 12 saurus, full command (all in unit formation)
    2 Engine of the Gods, one with a level 2 priest and the other with a level 3 priest (bonus included)
    40 skinks, divided in 4 units of 10 skinks, 2 units with blowpipes and two with javs and shields

    The main tatic here, is put Mazdamundi in one side and the Engines on the middle/other side, put those skinks arounds..

    Use the "gungan shield" till enemy comes, and running lots of spell, on this i prefer lore of death or lore of light....

    When the enemy comes I counter charge his, use the damage on all units with the 2 engine of gods, plus the level 6 of lore os light or lore of death, possible doing this charging the main body of the enemy armies... With the skinks run a lots of shots in differents targets...

    I´ve auto-breaked the enemy about 2/3 times... and getting them as fast as possible, or when I could a put a skink unit behind the enemy unit, to destroy that unit automatically.....

    The saurus worked very well with Mazdamundi, breaking the thoughest unit of the enemy, principally when charge occurs...

    I know that this is not invencible army, but put some fear on the enemy and I know that I´ll have to plan more taticts with this, but it proved to be a solid army...

  7. lupercal

    lupercal New Member

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    back on topic i was thinking i remember an issue with skaven shooting into combat where they need to be able to see their target unit and since they were fighting a large target they could still see him so to me that would mean that LoS is no problem hope that helps i can't remember which faq it was in though
  8. WheelR
    Chameleon Skink

    WheelR New Member

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    Isn't that a special rule for those skaven?

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