AoS Minimum Wound Counts (Coalesced)

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by sibalgo, Sep 11, 2023.

  1. sibalgo
    Jungle Swarm

    sibalgo New Member

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    I've been working on some possible Coalesced lists and am wondering if there's a minimum wound count that people go for in their lists. A lot of the ones I've made are coming out in the 120-130 range and I'm not sure if that's too low to actually be a viable list or not.

    Seems like it wouldn't matter as much for Starborne with all the summoning being done, but would be interested to hear thoughts on this as well.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. Doons

    Doons Member

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    Kind of hard to say without knowing where the points/wounds are going ? For example kroak high points per wound but offset by great MW output. usually gives you a lower over all wounds once you back it up with guards but greatly increase wound output and versatility of magic. Krondspine 0 wounds? Feels a little light, But again don't know whats in the lists.
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  3. sibalgo
    Jungle Swarm

    sibalgo New Member

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    Very good point. No Kroak or Krondspine in any of my lists- unfortunately don't have the models for them (or Aggradons yet, but do have old Saurus Knights I can proxy).

    The first 1000 points I'm working with I hasn't changed around much- Saurus OIdblood on Carnosaur, Skink Starpriest, Astrolith Bearer, Slann Starmaster, and Bastiladon w/ Solar Engine. The guy I'm planning to play this list against plays Nurgle, so the Solar Engine is a must. This totals up to 48 wounds.

    I'm having a hard time thinking of ways to effectively fill out this list without just doing 2x20 and 1x10 of Saurus Warriors (which gets the list to 148 wounds) + one endless spell. General strategy would be to use the 10 block of Saurus as a screen for my casters, use the 20 blocks to play objective, and send the Oldblood on Carno wherever he's needed to help.

    I know this isn't the List section for Seraphon, so let me know if this isn't in the right place for this discussion. Just trying to nail down some theory before I finalize a list to be looked at !

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