if a wizzard suffers a miscast that causes him to become lvl 0, does he stop being a wizzard at all? can he lets say use a equiped dispell sroll after that miscast?
yes, its in the FAQ. He still counts as a wizard, is affected by spells/rules that affect wizards, and can still used arcane items on his character. He just can't cast/dispel/channel.
Good effort in finding the FAQ newscales but you read the FAQ wrong. Yes he still counts as a wizard and can use arcane items, however "He just can't cast/dispell/channel" It explicitly states in the FAQ that a level 0 wizard CAN attempt to channel power and dispell dice Also remember you can ALWAYS attempt to dispell as an army, and this in reality is identical to attempting to dispell using a level 0 wizard although you can't actually dispell with the wizard.