After a frustrating weekend building a Citadel Wood, I realized that it took over 6 hours to take all the mould line off all the various pieces of the model. Filing has always been my least favorite chore in the hobby but this was a nightmare because they were simply everywhere! So I've got ask you guys, has there been particular models you've built over the years that seem to have tons of mould lines on it and you hated the filing process to get rid of them?
Some of the old metal molds are the worst offenders, you have to use a dremmel to remove some of those mold lines, and then green stuff it where the halves of the mold slipped sideways.
My metal hellcannons suffered from that (but I still love them!). Plus the barrel didn't fit together correctly... at least not without a little bit of 5 minute epoxy and some "motivation"... But again, I still love them.
Necrons... Maybe the mold lines are not the worst in size, but they are in horrible places. Plus in the smooth, curvy Necron architecture makes them easily visible. Also, the parts where the pieces are attached to the sprue? Terrible to remove.
The worst kit I've ever encountered for mold lines was the old plastic Dark Eldar Warriors. I bought 3 boxes of them back in the day and they all had terrible lines, misaligned faces and some generally terrible slips. It was pretty much the last nail in the coffin for that army as far as I was concerned and most of them are still on sprues.
Ouch... that's the worst! Mold lines are annoying but misalignment, especially on faces, is a complete killer.
Yeah it was pretty awful. I'd post pics, but I honestly have no idea where those models got to. If it was one box I could handle it, but it was 3 boxes - bought from different places at different times. To me it just showed how old those models were and how desperately the army needed updating and I just couldn't handle it. I'd already made so many concessions with the Dark Eldar army as a whole - writing off many units as unusable because there had been 2 or 3 edition changes using the one codex, and even the decent units were still overcosted in points. It was a potentially powerful army but a very high disparity between competitive and non-competitive units. The terribly outdated models didn't help it much and having to put up with rubbish sculpts (for very fragile models I might add) infuriated me to the point of quitting the army.
And then they got that very impressive update. Isn't that the way it always is? I remember that army because my best buddy used to play them against my Necrons. The lack of attention they received was always a point of discussion.