8th Ed. Monsters & movement

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by twistedmagpie, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. twistedmagpie

    twistedmagpie Member

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    OK, I always thought that as monsters were a single base, you could turn and charge with them. When reading the camo skink tactica, it said you could keep out their charge ark. Can someone clear up how monsters movement works.

    My experience and current understanding comes from use my Skaven Abom which has random movement - the rule for which states you point it in the direction you want it to go and roll the dice. Is this different for monsters without random movement?
  2. Stonecutter

    Stonecutter Member

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    For any non-random movement monster, (phoenix, hydra, giants, etc.) they are subject to all the normal rules for charging. That being the case, the target must be within the forward arc and within potential charge range. They are allowed one (and only one) wheel of up to 90 degrees at any time during the charge (page 27, 2nd para). This is the only time single models actually wheel as they pivot freely when moving during the remaining moves phase. The fliers can fly over intervening units/terrain during the charge move but must be able to land in order to have a successful charge (i.e. if there is insufficient space to fit the model in, then the charge fails so most people will measure first to see if the model can fit before declaring the charge).

    For random movement monsters like the HPA, stank, etc. it is slightly different (pg. 74). They can effectively charge 360 degrees. Random movers are moved in the following sequence:

    1) Pivot the model in the direction of desired movement.
    2) roll the dice to determine the total movement.
    3) move the model that distance directly forward in the chosen direction.

    If the movement directly forward is sufficient to bring the model into contact with an enemy unit, then it is counted as a charge and resolved using normal charge rules except that no charge reaction is allowed. At this point, it is permissible to complete the charge using altered movement with a wheel so as to maximize the number of models in combat and to "close the door" with the random mover once contact is made. Three frequent mistakes with random movers I have seen are:

    1) rolling the distance moved first and then deciding on the direction.
    2) Ignoring the normal charge rules when the random mover does charge. (i.e. wheeling to maximize, closing the door and contacting the enemy on a flank when the random mover started its move in the front arc).
    3) Combo charging with a regular unit(s). Random movers move during the compulsory move phase, not the charge phase. Accordingly, a regular unit that has charged must maximize the number of models in contact and cannot leave open a space for the random mover to hit if this action will fail to maximize the number of friendly and enemy models in contact. However, a random mover would still be allowed to complete a charge even if it just clips the corner of the enemy unit.

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