AoS Monstrous Rampage Question

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Thanquol, Apr 18, 2024.

  1. Thanquol
    Jungle Swarm

    Thanquol New Member

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    21.1 says a player cannot use more than ONE Monstrous Rampage per phase yet Thunder Lizard in the Seraphon book says a Monster can conduct 2 Monstrous Rampages per phase. Does the latter now over-ride the former then?

    E.G. If 2 Bastilidons are attacking a unit of Clanrats and one uses Bludgeoning Sweep and Roar, the other Basty could only use Stomp as no other Monstrous Rampage is applicable correct? or could both Bastys use Bludgeoning Sweep and another Rampage of their choice?


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