Hi there this will be a painting progress blog of my lizardmen army and whenever i ll paint something i ll post it here for you guys to comment (critisize,compliment) my work and progress of my first army So i ve asked befor for the painting scheme on this forum like a month ago and I still couldnt decide for what paint colour i ll go for,... All i know at this moment is i ll probably paint my army in multi colours like if they were from multiple spawnings while the albino guys leads em. Thats what i have in mind at this time. So due to this problem i just started modeling and painting my bases for skins And here is the first four bases 3 are without the plants still waiting for the shipment to come Anyways hope you guys like it comment and tell me if i am going in the right way ! How they look togather as skirimishers and when they get in close combat