8th Ed. My first army

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by mipevo6, Apr 7, 2014.

  1. mipevo6

    mipevo6 New Member

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    Brand new to WHFB, Brand new to Lizardmen.

    I just picked up the Battalion box set and a Bastiladon. I will need to add some kind of hero, but right now I am trying to figure out how to build the various units.

    My choices are

    20 Saurus which can be built with Spears and shield or handweapons and shields

    12 Skink which can be built with blow pipes or what look like spears, but I guess I can count these as javelins

    As a total newb, I am not sure which is best.

    I read the Tactica which tells me

    I guess I am still not sure what is the best way for a starter like me to go given the current size of the units. I assume the Saurus unit will need to grow?

    So specific questions

    • what weapon loadout is best for Saurus
    • What weapon loadout is best for Skinks
    • what hero is best for a starter army that will still get used later when I add Slann etc...

    All help appreciated

  2. D43m0nSp4wn

    D43m0nSp4wn New Member

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    Firstly, welcome.

    There's no definitive answer to any of those questions, however if it were me I'd go as follows:

    1 - Spears on the Saurus. I like spears anyway on them for the extra rank of attacks however if you think you are likely to get the charge Sword and Board is probably better. Seeing as you haven't played before I would suggest, and please don't take any offence at this cause absolutely none is intended, you are likely to get out manoeuvred by more experienced players and be receiving the charge more often than not.

    2 - I nearly always take Javelins (that is what is in the kit :)). There are some situations where blow pipes are better but javs are more versatile (again in my opinion)

    3 - You could pick up a skink priest to give you some magic, which would be used as a scroll caddy when fielding a slann. You could also pick up a saurus old blood/scar vet (the models are interchangeable) as he will make a decent general and can be fielded as a BSB in conjunction with a slann..

    Hope that helps.
  3. Sandrockkai

    Sandrockkai Member

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    I agree with D43m0nSp4wn on what would be best for a starter (Spears, Javelins, get a Priest).

    Getting the charge with Saurus against experienced players can be be a bit of a trick. That being said I (opinion based) prefer hand weapon/shield on my Saurus Warriors.

    Another thought for a hero/lord choice would be to create a Cowboy (or two) by mixing extra bits from the Temple Guard sprues with a Cold One Calvary model (since you have the Battalion Box). The Cowboy is about the most versatile unit we have in our army and it's worth owning at least two.

    Hope this helps!
  4. mipevo6

    mipevo6 New Member

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    Sandrockkai, D43m0nSp4wn

    Thank you both for helping me out. I take no offence at the advice, i am so new I know I am highly likely to take a kicking for a while until i get it all together and learn how to use it all properly ;)

    I will start with spears/javs I think and see how we go from there.

    A cowboy and a skink priest sound like a decent place to start in small battles.

    I would guess I can create my own cowboy with a spare cold one and bits from the box as you do appear to get a lot of choices.

    From there on I can expand my core and other choices..

    Once again thanks, all guidance and advice gratefully received.

  5. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    eh.. Are you going to play against super strict people? I mean.. You're new anyway so if it isn't THAT important to have the same weapon as you've listed it shouldn't be much of a problem IMO.

    So my advice is to build whatever you like and make sure that they're all the same so you don't mix spears/swords.

    In terms of a gameplay advice I'd say:

    Defensive unit - 25 (5 wide, 5 deep) sword n' board bros so you maximize ranks and have the parry.

    Max attacks unit - 24/30 (6 wide 4/5 deep) shield/spear.

    It's not a MAJOR difference, but it's still there.

    In terms of skinks I think most of us can agree to the javelins being better under most circumstances mainly because they don't have the same amount of penalties that blowpipe skinks does. What I mean is that while blowpipe skinks do have more attacks they'll be gimped due to the To Hit roll compared to javelins.

    And finally about heroes - I'd say a Scar Vet on Cold One along with armour of destiny and great weapon will be good along with a level 2 skink priest and scroll. Depending on the amount of points you're playing at. :) Oh you could also consider having a second skink priest with the ruby fire ring for more spells. :)
  6. mipevo6

    mipevo6 New Member

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    As far as I can tell, they are a decent lot who will allow proxies, especially for a newb :)
    I think at this point I am not sure which one I need most, probably defensive as I am likely to get charged more at the moment as I have a lot to learn.
    So it sounds like I better do sword n' board.

    I know I am going to need quite a few more Saurus so I may need to ultimately build both units I guess.

    This does look like the right decision, I guess I will need 2 units so I better get some more. Then I will need to figure out the ideal size and should they be a cohort or skirmishers.

    The Scar Vet I can probably build from the Temple guard Spru and one of the spare cold ones.

    I better buy a couple of Skink priests as well then. :)

    That should leave me with the following "starter force"

    Scar Vet on a cold one, Armour of Destiny and Great Weapon
    (can/should I take a shield as well?)
    Skink Priest with dispel scroll
    25 Saurus unit Sword and shield + Musician and standard
    (Do I have to buy a special standard of does just having one give a bonus?)
    12 skint skirmishers unit with Javs
    12 skint skirmishers unit with Javs
    5 Cold one cavalry with musician and standard
    (Do I need the standard?)
    Bastiladon with Solar Engine

    Should be just under 1070 points, I guess I can find an item or two to get to 1100-1150 ?

    How does the above sound as a starting army ?

    Once again, thank you for taking the time to help me out.

    I am really looking forwards to painting and playing with the above army.

    Then I will need to figure out what to add next :)
  7. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    You have a solid starter force. There is nothing wrong with it. My comments are suggestions only.

  8. GhostWarrior
    Cold One

    GhostWarrior Member

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    Scalenex's advice is solid. You have a good starter here. My only comment:

    Scar Vet on a cold one, Armour of Destiny and Great Weapon (can/should I take a shield as well?)

    No shield. With your current gear, you already have a 1+ save and are maxed out. :)

    Scar Vet (5+ scaly) + 2 for Cold One, +2 for Armour of Destiny (it's Heavy Armour) = 1+ save
  9. mipevo6

    mipevo6 New Member

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    Thanks folks.

    Looks like I need to read up on standards, armour and how it stacks and BSB's and how they work.

    I also need to see what a ruby ring does :)

    Really looking forward to pulling this together.

  10. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    BRB stands for Big Red Book, referring to the main Warhammer rule book. Both it and and the Little Red book have the same page numbers.

    Armor save computation, page 43
    Standard Bearers, page 94
    Battle Standard Bearers, page 107
    Ruby Ring of Ruin, page 177
  11. mipevo6

    mipevo6 New Member

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    Thank you...

    Notes taken, off on holiday for a week early in the morning, will get some time to read up :)


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