My first carnosaur, had to do a little greenstuffing on his joints. was trying to go for a black paintjob but it turned ut really dark blue, i dont mind though, he's just as evil looking. any comments?
Looks awesome! The only thing I might try is lightly dry brushing a bit of gray or something across the big scales on the back. Not much, just enough to highlight the edges, and contrast a bit more from the skin underneath.
Agree completely with this. It looks really good and really evil! If you want to paint black you have to go with really really dark colours to give it a bit of definition, blue tends to look fairly evil so good choice there. The scales could definitely do with a little bit of grey to make them stand out more. Nice work though, very cool carnosaur.
Wow - thats really good - ove the dark colour scheme, it really makes the armour stand out better too - looks fantastic!!
thanks everyone! he's managed to get some paint on his crest chipped off already so i think a highlighting/ drybrushing on the edges of his crest and scales is gonna happen soon im also thinking about covering just his gold in the 'ardcoat gloss, any thoughts on that? my man's telling me not to, as they'll look "wet" but i think it will make the gold stand out even more problem is we've glossed stuff before and regreted it, there seems to be no way to "un-gloss" them without painting them fully again
Most people put a matte varnish over the top of gloss varnish to reduce the shine of it, seems to work well. I think I agree that if you just gloss the armour it may look a bit odd, like it is a different style to the rest of the model.
I know this is a thread necro like crazy but i was wondering how did you paint the skin and scales? I want to recreate it for my own army.