8th Ed. My idea for a Lizardmen Lore

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Scalenex, May 27, 2011.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    There’s a lot of talk that the LM should get their own lore. I don’t think it should be jungle based. I think since a Lizardmen Lore would likely be available to skink priests and Slann mage priests. The common word here is “priest,” so any LM lore should have a tie to the Old Ones.
    I arranged these I want this is weakest to strongest but I’m not sure what the casting difficulties should be. It’s only fitting that the signature spell be of Tepok the magic god.

    Will of the Old Ones
    0-Blessing of Tepok: Augment, Unit within 24” gains 5+ Ward save until start of next magic phase. More powerful version bestows Ward save to all friendly units within 12”
    1-Curse of Chotek: Chotek is the sun god, and can put a glare in the face of the Lizardmen’s enemies. Hex, remains in play, enemy unit gets -1 to shooting.
    2-Blessing of Tzunki: Tzunki grants power over water and keen eyesight. Augment, Remains in play, a unit within 24” gains Aquatic, if it already has Aquatic +1 to shooting rolls. A stronger version can bestow this to all units within 12.”
    3-Bless of Uxmac: The messenger of the Old Ones. Augment, Until the start of the caster’s next magic phase, the effective range of the general’s inspiring presence and battle standard’s effects are doubled.
    4-Blessing of Xokha: A spirit of stone who is the giver of strength and Arbiter of Duty. Augment, remains in play, a unit within 24” gains +1 Toughness and Stubborn. A more powerful version of this can apply to all friendly units within 12”
    5-Blessing of Sotek: Sotek is the deliverer and grants his faithful with the ability to slaughter their enemies. Augment, a unit within 24” gains Frenzy or Killing Blow until start of next magic phase. A more powerful version can apply this to all friendly units within 12”
    6-Blessing of Caxuatin: The stalking predator. Like steed of shadows only it applies to a whole unit.
  2. Danger Goat

    Danger Goat New Member

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    Did you know the Lore of Death once had a near-Slaan experience?

    I like the idea of the Lore being based around the Old Ones (though I would not include Skink Priests). I think it is more likely that our dear Lizards will receive something along the lines of Geomancy, though.
  3. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Quetzel needs a spell too, somethin like +2 scaley skin ?.
  4. Danger Goat

    Danger Goat New Member

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    Maybe put in Quetzel instead of Sotek, since he's not an Old One? Or am I being to restrictive as to who can be defined as an Old One?
  5. mukman12

    mukman12 New Member

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    considering how powerful the slann is, i think all of the spells need to just be better. a slann could easily get of 3-4 of these spells a turn
  6. vict0988
    Cold One

    vict0988 Member

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    hey just thought i would give my opinion.

    curse of chotec needs to be way better. so that it actually gets up at a casting value of 9-12 as the slann gets that high with a single powerdice and free add.

    my opinion for the tzunki thingy. make it so that it also gives + some I or simply double I. same reason as last.

    otherwise you can pretty much still cast 4-6 spells a turn wich might be........

    number 0 value 6+ big one 15+

    number 1 value 6+............ if it also affects combat and gave -1 I 9-12+

    number 2 value 6/7+......... if also doubles I 10-14+

    number 3 value 7-15+

    number 4 value 7-12+ big one 15-20+

    number 5 value 5-8+ big one 10-15+

    number 6 value 15-25+

    they should all have high costs since we dont need to fire of 4-7 spells a turn IMO
  7. mukman12

    mukman12 New Member

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    How about
    the twinned tailed comet:
    Works like the purple sun, expect only courses 1 wound, scatters 2 artillery dice, every skink unit it passess over has to pass a leadership test, and if it passes you can elect to frenzy the skinks. Also, for every wound caused, a jungle swarm is summoned :walkingdead:
  8. vict0988
    Cold One

    vict0988 Member

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    What about if it was simply the comet of casandora, and you get as many swarm models as wounds caused with the comet. The swarms form a unit within 12 of the comets arrival point, and 1 away from enemy troops. Futhermore any skink unit, that takes a wound, from the comet gets frenzy. Has a Cvalue of 37/1000 basicly saying you need unstoppable, force but also thats what it takes, for the enemy to dispel it in future turns.
  9. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    I just like to think that the Slann should have an option to use a special Lizardmen lore. It makes sense to me that Skink Priests use the Lore of the Heavens. I would assume that the 'Old Ones' would be considered the creators and therefore the masters of the heavens in WH.. But that's just me ;)

    Hmmmm I like your idea of using the different 'Old One' deities that we have in Lizardmen Lore but I think you should have a couple spells that have something to do with the terrain seeing as the Old Ones shaped it and the whole plan of the Old Ones is to move the earth around so that it is right. I guess though that the Skink Priests weren't too much of a part of all of that so if this Lore was just for the Priests then it would make more sense.. I guess the problem for me then is my disagreement that the Skinks shouldn't get their own lore :p anyways, enough ranting :)

    I think the last spell is kinda week for our highest costing spell. Look at it in comparison to the time warp from Lore of Light :/ I'd rather have a time warp!
  10. yellowtomatoman
    Jungle Swarm

    yellowtomatoman New Member

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    I think that it is a good initiative but it needs more direct damage and magic missile spells.
  11. Kai Itzah
    Jungle Swarm

    Kai Itzah New Member

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    If it were a Slann-only lore then it almost certainly is going to be some kind of geomancy or world-shaping. Here's a suggestion from me for spells; it has a lot more direct damage spells as suggested of the last lore, and when writing it, I originally stopped and realised it didn't have any magic missiles, thus confounding the whole Vassal rule, so I added one. It includes a few rules that I don't think have a precedent, but I believe that they are extremely fitting for the lore itself. The lengths included are width by length.


    CANTRIP - Tremors: Spells from the Lore of World-Shaping inherently cause disruptions in the plates of the earth; greater than any earthquake, they alter the ley lines that bind the world and with them the Winds of Magic. An enemy unit affected by a spell from the Lore of World-Shaping cannot march in the following turn. Attempts at dispelling spells from the Lore of World-Shaping ignore one 6 that is rolled.

    - Mazdamundi's Twitch (Cast on 5+)
    With a wave of the Slann's finger, the earth is uprooted so violently that the magic ley lines of the world are disrupted for an instant.
    Mazdamundi's Twitch is a direct damage spell. Place a small round template anywhere within 24" - it then scatters 6". Models underneath suffer a single Strength 5 hit which ignores Ward Saves. By increasing the casting value to 8+, the range of the spell is increased to 48”

    1 - Gravity Dull (Cast on 6+)
    The mighty mind of the Slann momentarily overwhelms the pull of the world with sheer arcane might.
    Gravity Dull is an augment spell with a range of 24”. Until the start of the next magic phase all ranged attacks aimed at the target unit are at a -2 to hit and all small and large template weapons directed at the unit are negated; additionally, the target unit's movement characteristic is doubled and their movement cannot be restricted by any means. By increasing the casting value to 12+, all friendly units within 12” are affected by this spell.

    2 – Torrent of Earth (Cast on 8+)
    A swirling mass of earth from every layer of the crust is torn up and sent hurtling towards the enemy.
    Torrent of Earth is a magic missile spell with a range of 48”. The target unit suffers 1D6+6 Strength 3 hits distributed as shooting. Place a 6” by 12” piece of terrain more than 1” away from a model and within the line of sight between the Slann and the target unit. This is treated as difficult terrain.

    3 – Gravity Well (Cast on 8+)
    The strength of the world bearing down on the Slann's foes suddenly increases tenfold.

    Gravity Well is a hex spell with a range of 24” Until the start of the next magic phase the target unit is completely unable to move, march, charge, flee or pursue by any non-magical means. Units that are broken and forced to flee are automatically removed as casualties; units that otherwise flee simply do not move. Magical items or other special rules that force the model to move are affected. Additionally, their Strength and Initiative are reduced to 1. By increasing the casting value to 14+, all enemy units within 12” are affected by this spell.

    4 – Crushing Force (Cast on 11+)
    The forces of physics seem to bend all around the enemy and enfold and contract upon them.

    Crushing Force is a direct damage spell with a range of 24”. All models in the target unit must pass a Toughness test or be slain outright. By increasing the casting value to 13+, the range of the spell is increased to 48”.

    5 – Bowels of Terra (Cast on 16+)
    The furious might of the Slann tears gouges in the earth he once shaped, exposing the and bringing to the surface the flaming magma at its core.

    Bowels of Terra is a direct damage spell with a range of 48”. The target unit suffers 2D6 Strength 4 hits treated as magical flaming attacks, distributed as shooting. Place a 12” by 6” piece of terrain where the unit currently is. This is treated as impassable terrain after your opponent's next movement phase (meaning that if models from the target unit were still on it, they would be removed as casualties). Additionally, place another 12” by 6” piece of terrain more than 12” away but no more than 24” away than the target unit and at least 6” away from any other unit. This is treated as impassable terrain.

    – Lunar Collapse (Cast on 20+)
    With a desperate surge of wild and terrifying power, the Slann imprecisely shifts the alignment of the two moons that hang in the sky.
    Lunar Collapse is a direct damage spell. The caster immediately suffers D6 wounds with no save of any kind allowed. Then every (friendly or otherwise) Level 1 Wizard suffers D2 wounds, every Level 2 Wizard suffers D3 wounds, every Level 3 Wizard suffers D3+1 wounds and every Level 4 Wizard suffers D6+1 wounds all with no saves of any kind allowed. If the Wizard is in a unit, the wounds are distributed as shooting with at least one wound always being inflicted on the Wizard. The magic phase immediately ends and the Winds of Magic for the rest of the game is only 1D6.
  12. vict0988
    Cold One

    vict0988 Member

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    lunar collapse is rather bad since the slann has a better magic phase most of the time then giving up you slann to damage not kill enemy wizards is bad and bowels of terra auto kills a unit why? because they cant move away from it because they cant march and why do we get a dwellers that has a casting value thats that low? (i know its t but still) gravy well has a too low casting value too and if you use gravy well all within 12 break lets say 2 units htey instant die! thtas horrible but i kinda like it and maztas twitch does it allways scatter 6? if yes its kinda ok but still 5+ thats one dice+free and so is 1-4 thats a dwellers with 1 dice i think the lore of the slann should all need at least 2 dice+ free+4 meaning their signature should have a casting value of 13+

    maybe something like

    lore attribute : both double 5 and double 6 causes miscast and irresistible

    0 : magma cannon range 36 2d6 flaming S 4 hits 10+ (like buffed version of fireball)
    otherwise the vessel rule would be useless this spell and the next is really just to make it worth it to take a skink priest as i rarely use it otherwise

    1 : summon hill (ruined temple wich you cannot enter) that counts as magical ruins 13+
    if you have a slann and a skink priest there will be lots of channeling and this might make that lame channeling staff worth it MAYBE....

    2 : you summon a wall somewere on the battlefield that is not in a unit max 10” long 3” wide 13+
    when used well could be game winning

    3 : earthquake like mazdas ruination of cities 13+
    it needed at least one more damage spell

    4 : summon piranha swamp counts as mist wreathed swamp range 24 15+
    if youre in combat with lets say minos or ogres/kroxigors this spell wreaks havoc

    5 : summon jungle counts as venom thicket range 24 16+
    this spell might just make razordons worth it but then again making the template attack poisened is probably better

    6 : summon temple that makes you irresistible and miscast wizards that does not use this lore miscasts and irresistible on double 5 and double 6 while users of this lore does it on any double
    effects take place on all wizards within 12 50+
    its cast on 50+ so that it only gets through on irresistible but thats pretty easy on both double 5 and double 6 with 7 dice!
  13. walrusstooth

    walrusstooth New Member

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    Since the Lizardmen were the first to have magic we should ghave some ultimate spell avalible to the slann. Some thing like a lizardmen version of the dreaded 13th

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