8th Ed. My vampire battle reports!

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Ferocious, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. Ferocious
    Temple Guard

    Ferocious New Member

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    i know its not the normal lizzies; but i need a new challange! :D

    So, ill start to post some bat reps here with my vampires ^^, first ones will be without picture, caus i dont have all the models yet

    Played a game today VS chaos dwarves;
    My list;
    Vamp lord; heavy, charmed shield, Tallie of Preservation, RedFury, QuickBlood, OogreBlade, hellsteed, lvl 4
    Baby vamp; heavy, enchanted shield, DispelScroll, QuickBlade, lance, hellsteed, lvl 1
    40 Ghouls
    4x5 Wolves
    3x5 Hexwraiths
    2x Terrorgheist

    His list;
    Level 4; scroll, 2+/4++
    Bsb; 2+/4++ , fear blade
    30 infernal guard; fire glaves, Fullcommand
    25 infernal guard; fire glaves, full command
    2x magma cannon, hellbound, steam carriage
    1 iron daemon, Hell bound

    Spells; Invocation, vanhels 2x, curse, gaze of nagash

    He; Hell hammer, ash storm,breath of hatred ,curse of hashut
    He set up in a corner;
    left to right;
    Magma, Small IG, ID, Magma, Large IG

    I set up left to right;
    Wolves wolves wolves wolves hexwriaths, hexwiraths
    ghouls,terror, terror, lord, hexwraiths

    Vangaurd everything up that could, 2 hex wraiths units swarm down right flank.

    He gets first turn;

    CD 1;
    He doesnt move a thing, just pivots his magma cannons a bit.
    Magic; does ash storm on my most left hexwraiths, Fails. End of magic
    Shooting; between his 2 magma cannons, his 20 fire glave shots and his iron daemon he killed 9 wolves and 2 hexwraiths

    Vamps 1;
    smaller unit of wolves advances 1inch away from iron daemon. other unit of 5 stand in front of large unit, for a redirect charge.
    Hex wraiths marche closer, vamps and terrorgheists make a assualt on the right flank.
    Magic; get vanhells bubble off, getting everything a bit more behind him, he scrolls curse of years, i get 1 hexwraith and 2 wolves back from invocatoin
    Shooting; both gheists scream at large unit , killing 9 dwarves.

    CD 2;
    He doesnt go for the bait. Nothing moves
    Casts ash storm on my hexwraiths closest to him, i let go. Than he casts hell hammer, i dispel.
    Shooting; Kills 9 ghouls with flame cannon, finish of 2 units of wolves, 1 unit left

    Vamps 2;
    2 hexwraiths move through his generals unit; killing of 4, stupid wsv vs flaming . Last wolves stand in front of his unit with his general. One terrorgheist flies behind his lines, others couldnt fit.
    He dispels Curse of years. I fail vanhels.
    Shooting; terrorgheist at his large unit, drops an other 5, going good. 2nd terrorgheists goes on magma cannon, rolls double 1 ;(

    CD 3;
    Iron daemon charges hounds in the flank.
    Generals unit swift reforms and gets closer to his smaller unit.
    Magic; he gets hell hammer of and gets 3 wounds on my terrorgheist, i dispel others.
    Shooting; magma cannon takes off 2 ghouls, other magma cannons fires at terrorgheist, needs a 5+, wounds it, need 5/6 to kill it, KILLS IT
    Iron daemon rapes the wolves and reforms to face my incomming hexwraiths

    Vamps 3;
    hexwraiths charge iron daemon.
    Other unit moves through his generals unit, killing 2, 10+ bsb and general remain.
    Vamps and terrorgheists move more in the rear, in range of the magma cannons to scream.
    Magic; get van hells bubble off, hexwraiths get 1inch away from magma cannon. Gaze of nagash on magma cannon does nothing.
    scream at magma cannon daeling 4 wounds, killing it.
    Combat; hexwraiths caus 2 wounds on the iron daemon, they stick

    CD 4;
    no charge. he moves a bit more to his other infernal guard.
    he gets hatred bubble off, i let go. i dispel ash storm on my general.
    Shooting; magma cannon aims for hexwraiths, misfire, loses 2 wounds.
    Combat; hexwraiths take an 2 wounds of Iron daemon.

    Vamps 4;
    Lord and baby vamp charge infront of his generals unit.
    Hexwraiths charge magma cannon. Other hexwraiths(only 2 remaining) move through his other unit, killing nothing.
    i get a whopping 2 dice, i fail van hells bubble.
    Shooting; Terrorgheist at iron daemon=> double 1
    He challanges with his level 4; baby vamps accepts, lord kills 9 infernal guard, baby vamp kills level 4, he loses by too much and flees. Lord restrains, baby vamp catches them
    Hexwraiths vs Iron daemon, no wounds
    hexwraiths vs magma cannon no wounds, he loses by 1 for charge but sticks

    CD 5;
    Infernal guard charge flank of my hexwraiths against the iron daemon;
    Thats it; no more magic
    no more shooting
    Combat; hexwraiths wiff against iron daemon, and poof due combat res of the flank charge
    Hexwriaths against magma, caus 1 wound, he sticks

    Vamps 5;
    Starting to roll up everything;
    Terrorgheist gets behind his Iron daemon, lord and baby vamp get behind his last unit
    Magic; between gaze of nagash and curse of years i kill a stunning 3 dwarves! PARTY
    Terrorgheist needs a 7 to fnish iron daemon and i get a 7; oe yeaa!
    Hexwraiths do 1 more wound to magma cannon, it sticks

    CD 6;
    Nothing he can do, just turns his front to my vamps.
    Dispels curse of years
    Hexwraiths wiff, its a tie

    Vamps 6;
    Vamps and terorgheist charge in on the unit;
    get a bubble van hels off.
    Made 14 kills, he doesnt get snake eyes and gets over run.
    Hexwraiths finish off the magma cannon


    I scored 2450 points, he got 615.

    He didnt realise i would be so fast, he didnt have much time to react, and no real sollution for my terrorgheists

    Hope you guys like it!
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I don't have any constructive criticism. You had a solid list and solid implementation.

    All I kept thinking was "He should have taken a Hellcannon" since it seems most VC players take Terrorgheists most of the time. The Hellcannon or Centaurs with great weapons would be my hypothetical CD weapon of choice for dealing with Terrorgheists.

    I think lore of fire would outperform the lore of Hashut against Vampire Counts. Bestowing magical attacks on 30 fireglaive warriors or casting fireballs, your ethereals would have been toast and he wouldn't have had to waste his shooting on your ghouls and wolves.

    Steam Carriages seem pretty much pointless against VC too.
  3. Ferocious
    Temple Guard

    Ferocious New Member

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    We tend to test our lists for tournaments, not for a single opposition, so if he choses lore of fire, it would be for 3 matches in a row against 3 different armies, i just feel that

    3x hexwraiths, flying vamps en uo terrorgheists is alot to take away with shooting, since they all acquire attention
  4. Ferocious
    Temple Guard

    Ferocious New Member

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    Used the same list as above;

    He had;
    level 4, lore of dark elves, dragon egg, pendant of khaleth and no idea
    Level 1, guiding eye and dispel scroll, lore of dark elves
    2x30 repeater xbow men, only musician,
    30 witch elves full command, with assasin
    cauldren o blood, bsb
    repater boltthrower 2x

    Spells VC;
    invocation, vanhels, gaze and curse , level 1 had, hellishvigour

    He had,
    Doombolt, chllwind, black horror, the ws bs 1 spell, and no idea

    We rolled off and i had first turn; deployment went like
    witch elves cauldren
    xbowmen hydra bolt bolt xbowmen level 4

    wolves wolves wolves wolves
    terror terror hex hex hex
    hero lord ghouls

    VC turn 1;
    so after vangaurds, i move my lord closer, everything moves up faster to him, and i am about 1 inch away from all hsi units with my wolves. one unit alligns to the hydra so if it charges, he is in front of his boltthrowers.
    Magic; lord casts vanhells on 2 dice, miscast, i roll 11, loses 3 spells and becomes level 1? JOY
    No shooting or combat

    DE turn 1;
    hydra takes the bait and charges in on the wolves, the rest doesnt even move.
    Magic; he takes of a unit of wolves with soulstealer, he takes out 2 hexwraiths with chill wind, and kills 2 with black horror
    He kills the dogs in front of his units respectivly, bolth throwers aim for terrorgheists, both mis
    Combat; heydra whipes dogs and reforms

    VC 2;
    Wolves charge in to his xbow men to keep him busy, single hex charges in on bolth thrower, other 5 charge hydra in front. Terror gheists and vamps swarm over the left flank, ready to scream next turn.
    Magic; nothing happens
    Shooting;one terrorgheist is close enough to take away 4 xbowmen.
    Combat; wolves die, hexwraiths take away boltthrower and turn to face hydra, solo hexwraith wiffs but wins, he holds.

    DE 2;
    xbowmen reform to shoot my terrorgheist. generals unit swift reforms, but fails. witch elves move closer to hexwraiths, looking at th ehydra.
    Magic; rolls double 1, he gets off a doombolt, killing 1 hexwraith
    20xbowmen, 40 shots, reroll to hit, manage to take 4 wounds of my terrorgheist
    he drops a few ghouls with his other unit
    hexwraith wiffs, its a draw

    VC 3;
    3th hexwraith unit charges his witch elves, lord hero en terrorgheist charge his most left xbowmen, they hold the terrorcheck, no stand and shooot as i was too close. Hexwraiths move through hydra taking it down to 1 wound. Ghouls strumble forward
    get reroll to wound off bubble form. terrorgheist gaisn 1 wound
    Shooting; wounded terrorgheist wiffs, other one takes down 5 xbowmen
    Combat; between the vamps and the terrorgheist, only 7 xbowmen remain, he is still steadfast and holds. Hexwraiths kill 5 witch elves, who are stbborn within 12 inch of cauldren. single hexwraith kills one crew, he holds.

    DE 3;
    no movement at all
    Magic; he gets a whopping 12 dice. He reduices ws of my lord to 1; rolls 18, i need to roll 17, use 6 dice, and just roll 17! He goes for a black horror on my ghouls, i let it go. kllling 19. i scroll his doombolt on my hexwraiths running around his hydra.
    takes away 1 wound frmo my nonwounded terrorgheist.
    Combat; hexwraiths kill an other 4 witch elves, vamps and terrorgheist finish off the xbow men and reform to face his army.

    VC; 4
    Terrorgheist flies over to charge at his cauldren. lord stand behind him, looking at his generals unit.
    Hexwraiths move through his hydra towards his generals unit, kiling the hydra.
    Magic; nothing happens
    Shooting; terrorgheist causes 5 wounds on cauldren, he saves 1! no more bsb, i love the terrorgheists :$
    other one wiffs against his witch elves
    hexwraiths kll 3 witch elves, he fails his breaktest and flees

    At this point he decided to conceed the game, as he wouldnt be able to take me down

    lessons learned;
    Dont cast a spellw when it isnt really needed, not even on two dice!

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