8th Ed. necropolis knights

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by forlustria, Jul 20, 2012.

  1. forlustria

    forlustria Well-Known Member

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    got a game against tomb kings in a couple of weeks. I know this guy fields a big block of these 9 i think. Whats the best way of dealing with these. GW has taken their stats off the website
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    These guys are best treated like any other cavalry unit; send some skinks after them! Salamanders are also good.

    Depending on what lore you take, there are plenty of options with your Slann as well. Light is good in general against TK, and using Net will slow them down considerably. I'm sure he's well versed in Lore of Light so make sure you're sneaky with it.

    In close combat they typically lack the staying power of a normal unit (like any cavalry), but a unit of 9 may not have that problem. If you are planning on getting up close and personal with them make sure you can handle a few rounds of heavy casualties (TG + Life Slann). IIRC they don't have the greatest defense. That means that TG shouldn't have a problem with them.

    I believe their stat line is in the back of the BRB. I don't know their cost but I know they aren't cheap. Probably on par with Kroxigor in that area. I would expect him to have some dedicated protection for them seeing how they will likely be the main attraction of his army.
  3. Stonecutter

    Stonecutter Member

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    The knights are like most monstrous cavalry in this edition and thus a large block of them can be quite challenging to deal with. IN addition, they have KB and poison attacks. This is further enhanced since necropolis knights can be "entombed beneath the sand" - essentially giving them the ability to pop up anywhere on the board. This is very useful in getting behind your lines and since the knights can do this, you could have a rear charge of 9 monstrous cav while still locked in combat to the front with another TK unit. Also, I think there is a way of giving the unit a re-rollable armour save against shooting but don't quote me on that one. Best way of dealing with them is to be very aggressive before they pop up on the board or keep a unit or two of skrox handy to turn and face them to pin them in place with steadfast.
  4. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Maybe I should have said HEAVY casualties, lol.

    The entombed ability has to be purchased, so that'll make them even more spendy. The odds of them not showing are the same as a cannon misfiring though.

    EDIT: Corrected my prior statement.
  5. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Necropolis Knights divide the opinions amongst the Tomb King players: some won't touch them with a foot long stick and others won't go to battle without them.

    They are costly, almost 20 percent more than a Kroxigor, and if given the Entombed Beneath the Sands it will raise the cost with additional 5 points per model (and this bumps up the price so high, that I seriously doubt your opponent will give them the EBtS ability, as the risk of losing such a pricey unit is too high). But they have the best armor save in the whole TK army, a whopping 3+, and if a hero character called Necrotect is within 12", they also get a 6+ regeneration. A special character called Ramhotep can give one random unit a rerollable AS, so if your opponent uses him, the snakes are his only Animated Constructs, as he wants to have that reroll on those snakes. This means no Stalkers, Sphinxes, Scorpions, Colossi or Hierotitan.

    They have a toughness of only 4, though, but still have one of the best staying powers in the whole army, especially in the group of 9. The snakes have S5 and poison, and riders have S4 and spears (so S5 on charge) together with Killing Blow. They have plenty of attacks too, and are nice target for the Smiting spell granting an extra attack to both the rider and the snake. If I remember correctly, as per Monstrous Cavalry rules, only the riders can give supporting attacks, so the extra ranks are there mainly to increase their staying power.

    9 Necropolis Knight have a huge footprint and they are not the fastest things around (M7), so you should be able to outmanoeuvre them and get flank and rear charges charges, especially if you have lots of obstacles in play. A huge block of Skroxigors could be an effective tarpit. Comet of Casandora is effective, as they are not likely to completely avoid it and don't have ward save (except from a spell of Nehekharan lore). Also they are rather easy targets to Purple Sun and Pit of Shades, as they have an average initiative. Dwellers hurt them too.

    Hope this helps.
  6. forlustria

    forlustria Well-Known Member

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    with dwellers do they test on rider or mounts strength?
  7. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Characteristics tests are always taken against the highest value (page 10 on BRB), so mounts S in this case.This makes Dwellers the least effective of these, but as every six rolled removes one expensive model from play, it puts great pressure on the opponent.

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