7th Ed. Need advice for playing 2 different armies...HELP!

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by The Lybithian, Oct 21, 2009.

  1. The Lybithian
    Chameleon Skink

    The Lybithian New Member

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    Well this weekend I have two games lined up at 1,500 points.

    One is against Tomb Kings, and the other against WoC.
    Any advice, tactics, lists(!) would be extremely helpful and you'd have my graditude!

    Thanks! :jimlad:
  2. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    Since your placing this in the armylists section Im presuming thats the main thing your after, could you post a basic list, and maybe let us know what other units you own so we can recommend from there?

    Generally against TombKings your looking to snipe the Heirophant if at all possible, and try to limit your opponents magical superiority

    Against WoC it can vary greatly depending on your opponents list but anti-armour units are a must against just about ANY WoC list
  3. The Lybithian
    Chameleon Skink

    The Lybithian New Member

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    I own 4 saurus warriors boxes, 4 skinks boxes, a stegadon, 2 mage priests, and I could proxy anything else with my previous army, these are friendly games.

    Well, I'm not sure about lists! I dont know where to start with those armies except maybe combat heavy for WoC and magic heavy for TK.
  4. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    One thing Id definately include is a scar vet canopener or 2 (scar vet w/ Great Weapon, L. armour) they're great against armour (Chaos Warriors/ Knights) and tough opponents (Ushabti/ Bone Giant/ Trolls etc.) they're S7 so they scrap chariots and they're under 100pts each!

    Your Saurus shouldn't have too much trouble with Tomb Kings troops once your in combat, the problem may be shooting whittling you down on the way in (Screaming Skulls can be mighty nasty!) and you'll have to watch out for the counter-charge as being outflanked by a decent combat unit (chariots or Ushabti) can really turn the tables on your poor Saurus. Oh, and remember TK ARE NOT IMMUNE TO POISON!!!

    Against WoC maybe try and whittle them down a bit on the way in, march block with Terradons and make sure you have support for your Saurus as Chaos Warriors are one of the few core units that can go toe with them and walk away. Keep an eye out for Khorne units as they will most likely frenzy, if you can draw them into a bad position by sacrificing a unit of skinks then you'll be able to get the upper hand.

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