Hello, I just got and invitation for a tournament that will be in a Nearby town. I don't have enough painted Lizardmen so my friend i lending me his tomb King army. The Tournamet is with ETC rules (rubbish:/) So Tomb kings have 2600 not 2400 and thus, i got an idea. Lords: Lich High Priest: Magic level 4, General, Lore of Light Lich High Priest: Magic level 4, Hierophant, Tomb King Lore Heroes: Lich priest, Level 1, Lore of Light Lich Priest, Level 1, Lore of Light, Dispel Scroll Core: 2x10 Skeleton Archers 20x skeleton Archers 2x6 Skeleton Chariots, standard, Champion Special: 3x Stalkers Warsfinkx, firery road Rare: 2xScreaming Skull 2xCascet of Souls Hierotitan. This is 2520 points. The overall startegy is to cast a large phas protection and a large 5+ ward. and Bombard the enemy with 2 Catapluts and 2x Light of Death. the stupid ETC rules restrict the nuber of archers to 45, and the additional dice you can generate per turn to 2 (Tk can generate 3). BUT if i take a Hierotitan he counts as 1 PD, so my cascets can give me +2PD max. the Super scroll that causes IR on doubles take all PD and DD dice.. Will it work??