i am fighting a friend with empire/chaos/elf its a friendly game his army list: 7 bowmen (bret) 3 elf bowmen x2 10 musketeers 1 canon x2 chaos 10 footsoldiers 10 chaos marauders approx 10 cavalry (empire) 5 elf cavalry 20 dark elves 25 pikemen (empire) and mine lizardmen and bretonians army list: 10 temple gaurds 38 suarus warriors no spears 10 blowgunners 18 skinks short bow 12 bretonian knights 8 cold one riders 22 bret longbowmen I need some tips and tactical analysis for the upcoming battle
Since you are combining all different armies, what rules are you using for composition? Or are you just playing with what you have available just to get a game going? And honestly, given the crazy variety of those bizarre lists, I would plop everything down and see how it goes from there. You have some many special rules to pay attention to as well, it's going to be pure madness, but it could be fun.