8th Ed. New and need advice vs wood elves

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by chopback, Mar 1, 2012.

  1. chopback

    chopback New Member

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    A group of friends and myself have decided to embark on playing warhammer and each have chosen a different army..

    I chose Lizardmen as i love the backstory around them but no idea how to play them effectively..

    Basic starting army will be 1500 points and my first battle will be against my friends Wood elf army.

    He will be fielding large amounts of Glageguard archers backed up with dryads... (they totally destroyed my friends Dark Elf and Bret army) ..

    So, can anyone suggest a 1500 point army designed to obliterate the pointy eared woodies?
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    I try to think of them as a gunline. Get up close and personal as fast as you can. Terradons, chameleon skinks, and salamanders. Salamanders can do pretty well in close combat against them too, but only if you are trying to tie up a unit while your saurus are on the way to support. I try not to let my sallies go through more than one round of combat without help.

    If you are worried about your saurus blocks taking too much fire, have them move up the board with a unit of 10 skinks as a meat shield (no ranks, just one long row). That way he can kill the cheap 50 point unit or suffer a cover modifier for shooting at the saurus. Combine that with Engine of the Gods and he'll be pulling his hair out. Cover modifier + 5s to wound + armor save + ward save. You'll be golden. And don't get me started on using Iceshard Blizzard...
  3. Ejpok
    Temple Guard

    Ejpok New Member

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    I have little experience vs wood elfs, but i know one thing, Dryads are bad @$$ 2 Attacks ITP and a 5+ Ward save, vs non magical attacks, and they are skirmish so skinks will have a little trouble shooting at them.
    P.S the EotG on a 1500 is a risky play....;]
  4. Haemoglobin

    Haemoglobin 9th Age Army Support

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    Wood Elves tend to be very squishy, and lack any real combat unit. Dryads are tough, but they are skirmishers and cant get any rankbonus. You can use that to your advantage, becase a block of Saurus Warriors will hold off Dryads with ease. The glade guard can easily be cooked with some salamander fire, because of the low T.

    An EOTG would be a bit expensive in my eyes for a 1500 list, but then again the wood elf player probably wont have anything tough enough to punch through. And you get extra damage against forest spirits from the burning alignment.
  5. Hasnat
    Chameleon Skink

    Hasnat New Member

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    Wood Elves are mostly toughness 3. They have no ranked up combat units, aside from eternal guard which are toughness 3. I think you should have two salamanders, three big blocks of Saurus, perhaps consider terradons. Have a few units of skirmishers, and definately two skink priests, as well as a Scar Vet.
  6. Cyb3rw0lf

    Cyb3rw0lf New Member

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    I play Wood Elves as well as Lizardmen and the one thing I can tell you from what you said he is fielding is regarding the Dryads: They cannot win combat resolution Vs a block of saurus or even a large block of skinks, they are a skirmishing unit and have no ranks due to it, which kills them despite the statline on them being better than saurus. Just do not let him flank you with them.

    The #1 area where hes going to cause you problems is range unless hes fielding a Noble/Highborn General with Eternal Guard core units or monsters like Treeman/Treekin, and if he does that he will be denying himself a decent Spellweaver (At least with a Treeman Ancient or Highborn) which will ruin his magic phase, probably the most important phase in the game these days.

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