8th Ed. New Army List... Thoughts?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Iztiak, Dec 14, 2010.

  1. Iztiak

    Iztiak New Member

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    Hi everyone, first post :-D

    So I'm a new player, I haven't played a game for years and that was with the old rules, and I'm building a new Lizardman army. ROOOOOOOAAAAAAR!!!

    And I've made this army list and I think it's decent as a balanced force, but I'd like to know what the Scar-Veterans and the Oldbloods of the forums think before I spend my pillaged gold...

    Saurus Warriors: 20 with hand weapons and shield
    Saurus Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer

    Skink Skirmishers: 12 with javelins and shield
    Skink Brave

    Saurus Scar-Veteran Ishke
    Light Armour, Shield, Glyph Necklace, Burning Blade of Chotec

    Total: 485

    Temple Guard: 10
    Revered Guardian, Musician, Standard Bearer

    Cold One Cavalry: 8

    Total: 980

    Ancient Stegadon Aztepe

    Saurus Warriors: 16 with hand weapons and shield
    Saurus Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer

    Total: 1461

    Right, so that's 1500 points. Feedback on the whole and the individual sections would be very much appreciated...

  2. Iztiak

    Iztiak New Member

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    Also, ideas to increase it to 2000 would be nice! I'm thinking Slann Mage Priest, though perhaps that's not ROOOAAR enough.
  3. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    looks ok, buying a Slann is allways a good idea.
    but please don't post points per unit,
    it makes Games Workshop cranky. :(
  4. Iztiak

    Iztiak New Member

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    I misread the rules for posting army lists. Sorry!
  5. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    If you click on the edit button you can fix your post ;)
  6. rammramm
    Chameleon Skink

    rammramm New Member

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    I would sugest dropping the TG in favour of more saurus and also removing the brave (he simply isnt any good).

    Other than that the most classic comment on the list is to change the CoC for anything else. They are generally considered the worst unit in our army. However they can be usefull and ca´valry is allways fun to play. So in order to get a more competitive list you should drop them, but thats completely up to your own likes and dislikes.

    Something that is almost a must-have however is either chameleons, terradons or more skinks. These are used to hunt the enemies war-machines (which got a huge boost in 8th) and will save the day against armies wih stonethrowers and cannons.

    A salamander is also underpriced and will cause many opponents serious pain.

    For taking it up to 2k the "best" thing is allways going to be the slann. He is the best unit available to a lizard army and is way underpriced for what he does. If you go with the slann you need to considder wether he will be in a TG-unit (I would suggest at least 16 models) or on his own in which case you will need some items and diciplines to make him survivable. However if you dont think he fits I would instead add an old-blood and change the Scar-Vet to a BSB. This will give you much better resilience to march-blocking, panic and breaktests.

    For the other additions in a 2k army I would, as I said before, add more skinks/teradons/chameleon skinks/salamanders/saurus.
  7. Iztiak

    Iztiak New Member

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    So you'd suggest dropping the two units that would be able to take out enemy elites? I am tempted by the suggestion of more skinks to bring down those cannons but what would I drop to take them?

    I can see the temple guard (with reinforcements) only being included in a list with a Slann Mage priest, but with them I wouldn't be able to afford one!

    Finally, what's a BSB?

    Thanks for the suggestions!
  8. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    16 temple guard will surround the slann. That is the minimum. 20 will get you a little more of a buffer against damage. You can run a slann without temple guard, you have to make him etheral (a discipline does that). Also, always take becalming cogigation as well.

    As far as war machine hunters go, I would say use chameleons (best scouts in the game). 2 units of 5 which you can model from you existing skinks with just a little bit of coverting. Terradons are good too, but a little squishy. Vanguard move and stomp (monstrous cavalry) give them a bonus now (dropped rocks helps too).

    I would probably drop the temple guard (in the 1500 point list) and work in the chameleons and salamander.
  9. ryan88

    ryan88 New Member

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    The BSB is a battle standard bearer, better for combat res, and rolling leadership issues etc, its a point higher than 2 spear saurus to have one.

    speaking of spear saurus, i'd pay the 1 point for each guy and have an extra rank's worth of attacks each round, especially hitting last as we tend to do.

    dropping the temple guard isn't a terrible idea, they are very expensive. if you want to pulp elite units even enough saurus can do that, but honestly here i'd recomend a battery of salamanders. i take 3 in a group myself. they melt up anything they see and they ruin armour for most infantry completely. This also forces hard decisions for an opponent because if they don't shoot at this, they get roasted and panic a bunch, unless they are undead etc, then just roasted. and if they DO shoot at this unit, which skirmishes by the way, they can't shoot so much at your ever advancing saurus blocks. and as saurus go they can get pretty nasty.

    As for chameleons, they are always a good choice to have anytime there might be war machines. i take 2 groups of them they are well priced and do very well at killing machines, and are hard to shoot at. if they want rid of these guys they are re-directing their march blocked troops to get to you which alone makes them worth the points, and lets not forget the poison for all those giants out there.

    Scar vets are great, They can do alot of damage or be hard as a rock, sometimes both. In my 2k list i use a scar vet perfect for the BSB upgrade
    Scar vet
    enchanted shield
    light armour
    cold one
    burning blade of chotec

    This guy is HARD, with a re-rollable 0+ save this guy needs to be hit with STR 6 or more for it to even dent his armour. and when he hits people back they can expect a modifier of -4 to their armoir in return. I've had this guy alone wipe out a unit of silverhelms and not take a wound. Obviously there is the case of no armour save hits but you still have T5 to hel out and you effectively can laugh at most cavalry charges, most infantry and even certain war machines like bolt throwers.
  10. Iztiak

    Iztiak New Member

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    hese temple guard are sounding more and more useless! I may have to pack them away and only field them in later armies I make, though it does rather devalue the battle-set.

    Secondly, everyone is recommending Salamanders but it seems to me Lizardmen aren't really best place to have artillery in the force. Could someone explain this because I'm sure you're correct?

    Interesting that no one has mentioned the Stegadon. I'm considering taking it with an Engine of the Gods (Hallelujah!) but, with this battle standard bearer, I wouldn't be able to field it because it would take Lords and Heroes over 25%...

    Finally, on the note of this 'BSB' (I'm using the lingo already, must have skink blood in me), taking one would involve buying two different scar veterans for just one starter army! I have the same trouble with the Salamander idea... I can only pillage so many statues you know!

    Again, thanks for all the advice.

    P.S. The above Scar-Veteran sounds pretty awesome. I think we can replace the phrase 'Hard as nails' with 'hard as a Scar-veteran on a cold one'.
  11. ryan88

    ryan88 New Member

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    engine stegs are great to have, they give good protection, and dish out pain too but it all depends on how much it's worth to you. In smaller games i choose not to use them since they can get costly, too costly for a cannon ball to wreck on bad luck. That said they can really deliver, choosing one won't let you down but it's putting alot of eggs in one basket.

    Salamanders are great for lizards since our army can sometimes be cumbersome and bulky with our saurus bocks and such. This allows our enemies to sometimes strategise flank charges and on us or simply outnumbering us works too especially orcs and goblins, or skaven armies. Salamanders have a solid movement and can fire and march so more or less move 12 inches, then fire no penalty. They have flaming hits and the reduce armour by 3 which means they negate most infantry armour. if your opponent thinks he's going to outmaneuvre you he can take as many flame templates as you've got salamnders on his units, oh and taking even a single wound from this causes panic. this is the biggest mob army repellant i think we have, it works on almost all infantry, light cav, mages in units, flyers etc.
  12. rammramm
    Chameleon Skink

    rammramm New Member

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    First of all I hate being the bearer of bad news but ryan 88:s Scar-Vet is not as good as you think. First of all he is ilegal since we cant buy the 5pt enchanted shield from the rulebook. We have the same shield for 15pt in our army-book and so we pay 15pts for that item (Pg 500 BRB). This makes his total items go over the allowed 50pts. In addition no armour can ever go below 1+ in 8th (has been debated on this and other forums). So that build would give a 2+ save against str4 attacks but only 3+ against str5 attacks. Therefore the enchanted shield is useless and should be switched to a regular shield. This however is still avery good build.

    On a seperate note, Salamanders are great because they are hard to kill with misile fire, theyr cheap, theyr fast and they will cause lots of pain to enemy infantry (the costlier the better). With one fairly descent round of shooting a salamander can kill 6 swordmasters. At this point they have killed theyr own value. This is from one round and not even considdering theyr panic-causing. Put them in your enemies flank with some skillfull movement in the early game and he will either dedicate lots of units to kill them or take a serious beating before he reaches your lines.
  13. Iztiak

    Iztiak New Member

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    Right then chaps, I've heard everything you've said and not taken a word of it into account. Hahaha.

    No, as you can see I have. I've yielded and added more Skinks, a battle standard bearer, you got it, a Salamander.

    However, after playing against Orks earlier in my first game for years (the old ones above it was fun, but, alas, I had high elves not lizardmen) my elite infantry did extremely well so I will not be getting rid of the Temple Guard (despite your best efforts). Secondly, I've lowered the amount of Cold Ones but I want to keep some to support my Skinks.

    Take a look...

    500 points (498)

    Saurus Warriors: 20 with spears and shield
    Saurus Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer

    Skink Skirmishers: 16 with javelins and shields
    Skirmisher Brave

    Skink Priest Xapac Quetzacuti
    Level 2 Wizard


    1000 points (998)

    The above, plus:

    Skink Skirmishers 2: 18 with javelins and shields
    Skink Brave

    Saurus Scar-Veteran
    Battle Standard Bearer, Light Armour

    Temple Guard: 10
    Revered Guardian, Musician: 7
    Standard Bearer: 14
    Sun Standard of Chotec: 40
    Sub-Total: 235


    1500 points (1490)

    The above, plus:

    Cold One Cavalry: 5

    Saurus Warriors 2: 16 with spears and shields
    Saurus Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer

    + Skink Skirmishers 1: 2 Skink Skirmishers with javelins and shield

    Salamander Hunting Pack: 1 Salamander with 3 handlers

    To take this little lot up to two thousand I'm thinking two stegadons, one with an 'eng' and Xapac on the top (thus removing Xapac from the ground forces) and one with a skink chief with the banner on top (so I'd be removing the Scar Veteran). Methinks that should balance out...

    Anyway, further thoughts?
  14. Iztiak

    Iztiak New Member

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  15. Slanny*are*tranny
    Cold One

    Slanny*are*tranny New Member

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    i would get more magic but that is just prefrence also i love slann :mad: they are awesome with 5 wounds and DOA they are a must

    Glory to the slann screw the stegadon
  16. HoverBoy

    HoverBoy New Member

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    Fixed it for ya ;)
  17. Iztiak

    Iztiak New Member

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    And the Carnosaur, and the Saurus, the Skinks, and the Salamanders, and the Barbed Razordons, and the Terradons, and the Kroxigors....... We could go on :p
  18. Slanny*are*tranny
    Cold One

    Slanny*are*tranny New Member

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    i love lizardmen so mu :D :D :D :beaver: ch

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