Brand new to everything as the title suggests. Bought the battalion box, box of skinks, models for teradons, and models for salamanders. Current Army list looks like this: Scar-vet: light armor, dragonhelm, great-weapon, (6+ ward don't remember name of item) Skink Priest: Dispel Scroll 29 Saurus: full command 8 chameleon skinks 8 chameleon skinks 1 Salamander: extra handler 1 Salamander: extra handler 1 Salamander: extra handler 3 Terradons Not exactly sure of the points because i don't have my book yet (been bumming from a friend) Any suggestions, additions, subtractions, etc?
That is a good start. You should also look at getting some skinks to use as skirmishers and/or cohorts. A couple of Kroxigors would be good (for the cohorts). Also, a slann and some temple guard. You should get around 20-30 temple guard. At least 20 will protect the slann on all sides. Lastly, you should pick up a stegasaur. EOTG is really nice to play, as is the skink chief with warspear. You could also play the steg as an ancient or regular steg as needed. Good luck with your army.
Hello and welcome to Lustria Online and Fantasy Battles! Your current list is at 1252 points. Also, the item that gives a 6+ ward save is Talisman of Protection. Personally, I like seeing terradons in lists but in low point games, there might be better options for those points spent. Also, slamanders are really good in 8th edition, but you may have too many in your list for smaller games - not necessarily going over in point allotment, but in overall power and taking up points that could be used to bolster other units. Here are you current breakdowns: Lords.......0 (max of 25%) Hero.....201 (max of 25%) Core.....349 (Min of 25%) Special..462 (max of 50%) Rare.....240 (max of 25%) So, at a 1000 point game, your limitations in a list would be: Lords 250 max Hero 250 max Core 250 min Special 500 max Rare 250 max Now, not saying that your list is for a 1000 point game, but I was just using that as a reference. Hope this helps and looking forward to seeing more lists! :-D - Lord Cedric
Also, I think you can only have 2 rare units until you are over 3000 points. So you'd have to combine a pair of your Sallies into a single unit. Oooh, oooh, and give your Sacr-Vet Venom of the Firefly Frog. Magical poison at S7? Yes, please!
New army list i am trying out: Slaan - Focused Rumination, Higher State of Consciousness, Becalming Cogitation Saurus Scar-Vet - Great Weapon, Light Armour, Dragon Helm, Bane Head Skink Priest - Plaque of Tepok 20 Saurus Warriors - Full Command 20 Saurus Warriors - Full Command 6 Jungle Swarm 8 Chameleon Skinks 1 Salamander - Extra Handler 1 Salamander - Extra Handler -------------------------------------- 1597 points I plan on using the Swarm as a screen with both warrior squads deployed behind and slightly to either side, get swarm in, get side charges with warriors. Slann and Priest go solo, wearing units down. Not sure which lore i will give the slann, but i was thinking something heavy hitting (light or shadow?) salamanders and chameleons muck up opponents lines as much as possiple.
By all means, try out the swarms. But, (yea, there is a but) they are mostly useless for a lot of purposes. They just are too squishy. The poison attacks are nice though. I do not know of anyone that has successfully used them in a battle. That doesn' t mean that it is not possible though.
Do you think the points would be better spent on another 8 man chamo squad and some terradons? or maybe a steg? first battle will be against a night goblin army.
Terradons are really good. I think I would go with them. They also get a stomp attack (monstrous cavalry) and they cause fear. They will do the same thing as chameleons really. You get the vanguard move and if you go second, they can charge on the second round.