Oldblood carnosaur blade of realities enchanted shield light armor scarvet hide of cold one ( i know most everyon dislikes the armor but im going to try it out) GW shield priest eotg diadem scroll lvl2 skink chief terradon Light armor shield spear staff of lost sun venom 3 terradons 15spear saurus 15spear saurus 15spear saurus 12 skirmish skinks 12skirmish skinks 12 skirmish skinks 1 salamander +4 skinks 1 salamander +4 skinks total 2249 5 Pd including eotg 6 DD dice including eotg and diadem basic idea is get carnosaur in combat obviously, move saurus block up agressively let sallys, terradons and skinks do there thing as normal... be annoying. i know the blade of realities is over kill at times, i just havent had much luck withit and i cant wait to get off.
i think it looks like a fun list. but with 3 fighting blocks, you might want to consider a BSB just incase for those, i can't believe i rolled that moments. but i really haven't found the skink chief to be that effective, but if you like it you should try it. and you could also make him your BSB. you never know. besides that. have fun blowpipin'
That Scar Veteran combo with great weapon and hide of the cold ones is one hardcore mofo. I use him in every single list I make man. Keep him.