I have this silly notion... You all have responded to a rule set for a Coatyl - which ended up seeming very weak for the smack talk GW put in the LM army book. Was that rule set made by a gamer or by GW and published in the White Dwarf? All the same, I was inspired by the graphic of the black kitty that has a caption to the effect of: "I will be at home waitiing to hunt the scaven". It made me laugh. Then, it mad me think - the Scaven have all the cool models and get new ones at an un fair rate. I know - I know it is what sells. However...... What chance do we have of GW eventually releasing a new unit type for the Lizard Men? I have a couple of Ideas. 1. Saber tooth Tiger monster/chariot/mount - kinda a knock off of the HE Lions. 2. Coatyl with a back bone and teeth. We need a better fly boy unit. Maybe our own version of a Dragon. 3. Ape/Gorilla. How about another core unit? I know I should be happy with what the Lizards have to offer - I am. I just want ore.... I would enjoy any and all feedback. Thanks, Kaax Taat
As far as I know all rules for coatls have been made upp by players. I find it unlikely that there would be a release of LM figures any time soon since the armybook isnt knew and we allready have the units in the book (except for Mazdamundi but I doubt a model will come for him). We will probably have to wait a couple of years for the new armybook before we get any new units. When we do get them i am hoping for a coatl but wouldnt want gorillas/tigers since it wouldnt suit with the Lizardmen theme of being LIZARD MEN. I would much rather have a turtle, redcrested T3 CC skinks, younger and weaker/cheaper saurii or warbeast-snakes.
1) probaly not chariots don't work well in the jungle. 2) maybe forge world will make us a flying feathered serpent. (There uses to be some long agao) 3) unlikely, no warmbloods in the army so far.
There used to be an official Coatl model, and I'm pretty sure several editions ago it did have proper rules. In fact, I think they have been posted on the forum before. Anyway, yes GW does release new units for armies. Most armies now seem to get at least a couple of new units. We got razordons and to an extent, engine of the gods, since it was only available in the Lustria book before. Really the LM army is 'complete', every unit in the army has a model for it. So there is no way we will see anything new for a long time, until we get a new book. At the current rate of release, that could be quite a while. There was talk of every army getting something this year, don't know what we might get though.
new terradons? I don't know how old the current batch are but I hear a lot of people saying they don't like the models. Also, I am really looking forward to the Warhammer Forge stuff, I hope at least one of the first books has Lizardmen stuff in it.
The current terradons actually came out with the current army book, so they are 'new' unfortunately. It was a bit baffling to replace a metal blister with a metal blister when the model really wasn't much better, a plastic box would have been much more appreciated.
Wouldn't it be very nice if we got plastic Salamanders/Razordons and some plastic Chameleon Skinks??? I could see GW's sales going insanely upward for those 2 units on the month of their release .
@SeBM I agree about the chameleons....Plastic Chameleons would rock! AND please no poison frog "Doo-Rags" Please??? Wish our Cold One's looked as dangerous as the DE mounts. Ours do protray stupid very well. Anaconda..thats an idea. Still want a Coatyl, one that is worthy. Side note: When I 1st heard of Warhammer it was the 40K rules and I was instantly turned off by plastic minis. I hated the idea of plastic minatures. Now? I don't like the metal minis... I find it funny how my tastes have changed.Kaax Taat
i dont want a coatyl. we have a good mage already and theres no need for more magic in this editions. WE NEED THUNDERLIZARD!! as giant as the huge ong spider. meiby 8A ant some super stomp 2d6. if we would get new units they should be coolblooded so no tigers or apes, they dont fit. Carnosaur hunting pack would be nice, dfenently would buy carnosaurs. For core i guess we should get some sort of snake people or something, we should get more Core because now its just saurus imo.
In order to get thunderlizard they would either need to rewrite the fluff to make it smaller and less powerfull or (and here is what I am hoping for): Make Warhammer Fantasy Batle Apocalypse models. In that case the thunderlizard would be perfect in our army alongside with a long lost Slann mage priest of the first generation. I am hoping and dreaming that GW will make such an addition to fantasy so that huge batles could be played with masively powerfull machines and creatures. However I assume that this is all just a dream that will never be fulfilled.
Its certainly possible... Makes sense from GW, they make the supplement for people to buy tonnes more models to field bigger armies. The magic system currently does not scale up well at all (intentional? Surely it was obvious anyway) so making a supplement with scalable magic would encourage people to buy it. However, in general, I don't really think WHFB scales up all that well. Not as good as 40k anyway, too many extra rules makes micromanaging at a large scale more of a pain than fun..
Er our Core is just Saurus? how about skink skirmishers, skink co-horts and Krox in Skrox units? I run 3 different types of core in my army which is on par with pretty much any other army.
@Hover Boy... I agree 100%...after all, isn't the Fluff that they stole the eggs from Lizardmen? Would not a skink be better able to trane these things? I believe the stats should at least be the same. @Walgis... My original thought about Giant Apes and saber tooth tigers came from the dinosaur aspect and the Jungle theme. i really think having King Kong on my side would be way cool.... But ultimately I agree - they don't fit the "Cold Blooded" common bond. We need a Coatyl not as anothe priest/mage but to be used like a Dragon, one powerful spell instead of a breath weapon and some ferocious attacks. ThunderLizard??? Like a T-Rex? that would be cool. My 2 Cents, Kaax Taat
Well in fluff the thunder lizard is uncontrolable. so the solution would be that skinks (again those sneaky bastards) stole few eggs and thunder lizards are still small just alittle bit bigger than stegadon
After seeing the Araknarok model i'd say even a full grown thunder lizard isn't out of the question, as for the uncontrollable part GW fluff has changed before. Kaax Taat about the on par with DE cold ones, i meant it more model wise actually.