8th Ed. New player, New challenge

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by dinoshamen, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. dinoshamen
    Jungle Swarm

    dinoshamen New Member

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    Hi friends!
    I've been lurking this board since i inherited a few models.
    Like so many, price point keep me out of the game but free is hard to refuse.

    I'm looking to start small and easy, to that end I've been looking for different game formats and my local GW suggested I start with Warhammer Fantasy Border Patrols! This is a small game format with 500 point armies only. The restrictions are as follows:

    no lords
    up to 1 hero
    1-3 core units
    1 special OR rare unit
    Only one warmachine, chariot, or monster
    minimum 3 units
    no unit over 20 models
    winds of magic is 2d3 instead of 2d6
    no required characters (i.e.: Bretonnian Paladin or Undead wizards)
    no undead crumble due to death of general

    Having never rolled dice, I've theoried out this, and have since edited it to keep it in line with the army list posting guidelines and to maximize it a little.

    Skink chef with blowgun on ancient steg (276)

    10 skink skirmishers with jav
    10 skink skirmishers with jav (140)

    Salamander Hunting pack with extra snack (84)

    500 exactly
    The intent is to use skinks as skinks, redirect and harass, the ancient steg should be able to hammer pretty awesomely at 500 points and the salamanders are crappy artillery.
    If the steg anvils then the skinks can flank.
    This is just my theory.

    What can you guys think of to do with these restrictions?
  2. Madrck
    Temple Guard

    Madrck Member

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    I would gear the chief out with a spear, enchanted shield (for 2+ AS). You can go with the jav if you really want the shooting. Just drop the sallies extra snack to get the points.
    You are giving up an entire phase (magic) with this list. But I don't think it can be done well with the models you have. I'm guessing what you have posted is your limitations?

    Skink priest on an ancient w/engine.
    Sallies with snack
    that's 499, and lets charge up the field and throw all your dice at the bound spell. Really depends on what you are vsing, but taking beasts you have a small chance at amber spear, otherwise you just default to wyssans. Which makes your steg harder to kill or gives your javs more dmg as they shoot at users strength.
    Side note you can't cast transformation as you are not a model on foot :( Though why you can't have a mountain chimera riding an ancient stegadon, I'll never understand.
  3. themuffinman873
    Chameleon Skink

    themuffinman873 Member

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    People are really going to hate playing against you if you have a S6 T6 impacting Tstomping monster such as an ancient steg. You will crush.

    Unfortunately, I don't think you can take an ancient steg at all (you are limited to 250 points for heroes, 125 for rare). When you add a bald chief to the ancient cost you are over 250. I don't think you can even take a chief on normal steg. That is unless all the point restrictions are void in favor of the other restrictions you mentioned.

    My sudgestion would be a bastilladon + solar engine as your special. It is not nearly as devistating in combat, but the beam can always be max diced, IF is always your friend with the beam (no miscast problems). It is also a really slick model.
  4. dinoshamen
    Jungle Swarm

    dinoshamen New Member

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    on my Lizardman Facebook group we talked about the following:

    Armageddon scar vet in a block of 20 saurus
    and skinks to round out

    scar veteran cowboy in a block of 12 saurus
    and skinks to round out

    I have no idea if there are any point restrictions, the rules I posted where the rules I received.
  5. Madrck
    Temple Guard

    Madrck Member

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    Pretty sure a tooled up scarvet is about 100 times more powerful then the chief on a steg.
    Only thing I think it loses to is a WoC disc dude 3++ rerolling 1's. Or a blender lord. Neither can be fielded in this rules set.
    I would check on if you are using army % restrictions as it severely restricts what type of lord you can have.
    The basti would be amazing at this points level. but it would certainly mean no steg

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