I was told that Lizardmen armies would be the best armies for heavy magic. I wanted to run a really really heavy magic army. I was also told about Tomb Kings and High Elvles... So.. what sets the Lizardmen above the other armies in terms of raw magical power? How many casters would be best for a really heavy magic Lizardmen army? I don't know if I like the skinks much. Is it possible to run an all saurus army with Slanns as the Lord and Hero choices?
The slann is really the source of our magical prowes. He's a lord choice lv 4 caster who can choose any lore from the BRB and he has a list of special rules you can purchase from. The two most popular here are generally loremaster (as per the BRB) and one called Rumination which allows the slann to roll one extra dice every time it casts a spell. There is also a handy lizard only magic item called cupped hands of the old ones that lets you ignore one miscast on a 2+ and even dump it over onto an enemy mage in LOS on a 4+. Generally I don't think you need two slann but it's perfectly possible at 2250. In regard to avoiding skinks it is possible but you'd be crippling yourself. Cheap skinks with projectile weapons are the lizards answer to many big threats (most monsters and even war machines). If you were to avoid skinks entirely you'd also pass up our big ridden stegedons and fire breathing salamanders since they are manned by skinks. Comparing high elves to lizards I'd say they are honestly pretty even in terms of raw magical output, but I say this without knowing the unit cots on the elves. While tomb kings use a lot of magic their current casting system isn't very compatable with 8th edition and I'd wait till they get their new codex in the next few months.
No, It is still +2. Had they nerfed that, you would have been able to hear the nerd outrage all over ther forum.
My bad, didn't have the book handy and I thought there was a chance where the miscast was ignored but the enemy wizard was not effected.