8th Ed. New recruit to the Lizards

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Poqenichi, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Poqenichi

    Poqenichi New Member

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    Hey, I recently started picking up Warhammer again (after a good 7-8 year absence) and I thought, what better way than to jump into the Lizardmen army. My army is slowly coming together, but I just had a few questions that I just wondered if you guys could help out on.

    Does anyone have any particular techniques they've used that have been effective when using the lizards? I've seen a few different tactics, and I just wondered whats peoples favourites!

    Lord Kroak, can he channel the Deliverance of Itza through a skink priest? (like a Slann can with their magic)

    Is Kroq-Gar worth his cost?

    I have had a few more questions, but i've been putting off signing up to this (through sheer laziness) and i've forgotten the rest of them! I hope this was posted in the right section!
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Basically all of our Special characters are over costed.... :depressed:

    and no it's not a magic missile.
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Well introductions would be customary. Anyway welcome, I came back to the hobby after a ten year absence, now I flood this forum with my posts.

    You should check out the link in my signature, I'd probably start with army types than go to whatever interests you. I have a lot of special characters. My plan is to use them as stand-ins for regular characters. So if you like the model, use Kroak as a regular Slann.
  4. Poqenichi

    Poqenichi New Member

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    Ah fantastic, they're all pretty helpful! Yeah I found a sealed Kroak model on Ebay, got it for £9 so I couldn't go wrong there! I was planning on using him as a regular slann as I find the standard slanns a bit plain.

    At the moment, i'm just filling out my army, instead of currently going in one direction so i have many different options. My current army consists of

    Lord Kroak
    Saurus Oldblood
    Saurus Scar Vet on Cold One
    2 units of Saurus warriors
    1 Temple Guard unit
    1 Skink unit
    3 Kroxigor
    1 Cold One unit
    1 Terradon rider
    Skink Priest (5th edition because that model looks far more awesome than the new ones)

    Also amongst a bag of spares I bought, 2 more Scar Vets/oldbloods were in there, which i'm planning on using at least one for a Gor Rok conversion.
  5. david l
    Chameleon Skink

    david l New Member

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    That model list is really lacking in skinks, of all types. Skink skirmishers, including chameleons, are great troops, and most lists have at least a few units, some with many units. Ranked skinks with Kroxigor are arguably better than Saurus infantry. Salamanders (skink handlers) are awesome, although Razordons pretty much stink. Stegadons (skink riders) are fun.
  6. Poqenichi

    Poqenichi New Member

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    I know, i'm kinda hoping I get a batch for Christmas (strongly hinted that direction!) However since that list, i've managed to grab 23 Skinks (mix of standard and skirmishers), a Kroq-Gar, 6 Chameleon Skinks, a Salamander, a few more cold one riders (they were in the same auction as the chameleon skinks) and another priest. I'm hoping to pad out with a lot more skinks. I have been looking at a Stegadons, is an EotG as good as its made out to be?

    I wasn't really planning on getting a Kroq-Gar due to the points cost, but won him on ebay (brand new) for £12, couldn't go wrong really! Impressive model.
  7. david l
    Chameleon Skink

    david l New Member

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    Who makes an Engine of the Gods out to be good? In 8th it is pretty terrible. Artillery or close combat kill the priest too easily and the Slann should be using all your power dice anyway.
  8. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    I thought the EoTG was pretty good. If you give your Skink Priest the Dawnstone he is pretty hard to kill in CC. And once you're in combat you get to toss out Thunderstomps and S4 hits w/o armor saves like it's nobody's business. Plus you can throw up the Gungan shield and cover your advance until you hit the enemy ranks. 5++ save is pretty good for keeping your other Stegs alive.

    Granted, I've only used it once. But it worked pretty good for me. Many Skaven died that day...
  9. Dreyer
    Cold One

    Dreyer New Member

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    I think the Eotg is very hit or miss. Sometimes he just wrecks units but other times he gets a cannonball in the face turn one.

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