Hey everyone! I love hobbying and playing fantasy battles! I have a full completed High Elf army that adds up to about 4,000 points. After I finished that army I decided to start a new army, Lizardmen! I've played them before as well as read through alot of their codex. Any tips advice or anything else would be greatly appreciated!
Welcome! We are very happy to have you here now! But this should probably be in the introductions section... *holds out Y-shaped stick to search for moderator*
Welcome to the forum! In response to your request, Lizzies are one of the most versatile armies in the game (to date) whether you liked ranked walls of Saurus, fluid Skink battle lines, devestating magic or massive monsters (or any combination there of!) Lizzies have a competitive and well priced (points wise) option for you! Also, no matter which way you want to run your list, theres a lot of players on here with great suggestions and "outside the box" configurations to help you get your lists just right. Id suggest reading http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/the-lustria-online-lizardmen-faq-and-tactica-index.1830/ though its still in its infancy theres a lot of good information within the site FAQ.