Fairly new to the hobby and in totally in love with my lizzys just started painting up this stegadon and it turned out better than I hoped. For the skin I started with khorne red then washed with purple(the GW one I can't remember what its called). The scales were coated with abbadon black then drybrushed with celestal grey. He still needs some work though
Nice one, so far! I think you got the scales right! I would leave them as they are, or just give a very very light drybrush of a darker color like you said. But I would say do the highlights on the skin first and take a look then.
Looks similar to mine so top job, as @tom ndege suggests highlight your skin first your scales will look different, what colour are you doing your skinks?
Master plan, again very similar to mine but I did the skin blue and the scales purple, if your doing the skin purple might be better starting with Naggoroth night (as druchi purple is a shade?) then shade with druchi then reapply Naggoroth and then highlight with genestealer, you can apply a final highlight on the knuckles, ankles, knees etc with genestealer/white mix.
What I will do is list how I do mine, Base- Naggoroth Night Shade- Druchi Violet Layer 1- Naggoroth Night Layer2-Xereus purple Highlight- Genestealer Final Highlight- Changeling pink or similar Glaze- Druchi Violet 50/50 mix to thin it down. You can skip layer 2 and glaze if required.
I am not a painter close to Crowsfoot's standard. I say paint steg skin in a light tone, then just wash the heck out of it. (A diluted wash). The model has a good texture to it, with wrinkles and scars and whatnot. Let the wash accentuate those. Save the fine detail brush for the highlights on all the howdah bling - that is where everyone's eyes should be going anyway. I also draw stick men.
yea, like Tom said, get a big soft brush and do some drybrush/highlights on the red skin. and then paint all the bone and bling.
So new progress I did a very light highlight on the skin with evil suns Scarlet and started working on the horns/bone. I did a crestial grey base/ushtabi bone layer for the horns then washed the skin and horns with reikland fleshshade to tone down the orangy ness of the skin and add a bit of definition to the horns. Gonna work on highlighting/glazing the horns tomorrow
Also I apologize for the terrible phone pictures lol I'm trying to find a decent place at home to set up a place to take proper pictures with good lighting