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New to Warhammer, need to be better than brother

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by ScarJones, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. ScarJones
    Jungle Swarm

    ScarJones New Member

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    Hi Everyone, My names Ed I'm 26 years old from the UK,

    I started to collect Lizardmen in December and just got to a point where I can field up to 2,400 points but in the frantic nature of my collecting and modelling trying to now work out the best way to get my army working together.

    I have

    1x Slann
    2x Scar Vet
    1x Scar vet on cold one
    1x Skink Chief
    2x Skink Priest
    52x Saurus Warriors (28 Spears)
    12x Skink Skirmishers
    20x Temple Guard
    6x Cold One Cavalry
    2x Razordon
    2x Salamanders
    1x Stegadon (Giant Bow)
    3x Teradons

    My brother has an army of Wood Elves using mainly Tree spirits, 2 Tree Men and 6 Tree Kin being his hardhitters. I've struggled to bring him down and only strong magic phases saving me usually, law of metal and light being my most effective.

    I'm not opposed to getting more models considered getting Chameleons and Kroxigors but would like to make my army better rounded to join gaming clubs but also have a solid strategy for beating my brother. I've already taken some advice from reading forums but advice specific to my army from veterans would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    temple guard with razor standard works wella against units or monsters with high armour saves, you should try them
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Here's a good informal Tactica for Wood Elves plucked from the Tactica Index.


    To round out your army I'd consider getting a Stegadon with the Engine of the Gods. That is very effective against Wood Elves (as well as about half the other armies). You can make Chameleon Skinks out of regular Skinks quite easily. I just painted my camouflage style (viewable in my avatar). Or you can do some very simple conversions with green stuff to go one step better.


    Kroxigors are usually fielded with Skinks and should do well against the heavy hitters on the Wood Elf list like Treemen. The high strength hits will be wasted on puny 5 point Skinks and the Kroxigors will be hitting back at S6. The problem is Skroxigor don't do particularly well against high WS massed infantry such as elves. Thus they are good at fighting the strong stuff but paradoxically bad at fighting weak stuff.
  4. ScarJones
    Jungle Swarm

    ScarJones New Member

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    Thanks for the advice guys,

    If I got an ancient Stegadon wouldn't that cut into the Slann's power pool or would I use it as more of a combat unit?

    I like my skinks although not sure i'm using them to their full potential yet. How would chameleon skinks be best fielded, small squads?

    Kroxigors would be interesting to try but that squad would be expensive and cut down on the amount of units I could field with the Slann/T guard combo such a high % of my army already. What would be the optimum amount of kroxs in a squad like this

    Got a game later today so will try out the razor standard, do you give the revered guardian a magical item usually?

    Really appreciate the advice, thanks guys
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    When Kroxigor are fielded with Skinks it becomes Core (so it wouldn't compete with TG for points), that's part of the reason they are so popular. That's what we call "Skroxigor." I used the forum shorthand version of a Skink/Kroxigor mixed unit without explaining it.

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