8th Ed. Newb returning to the Jungle

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Korhedron, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. Korhedron

    Korhedron Member

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    Hi folks.

    First time poster here. I'm a returning vet, looking to revive my ancient lizardmen army. I ran Lizardmen a looong time ago, when they came in the official boxed set with some pansy bretonian knights. So as you can guess I'm a bit rusty. Since then I've ran some dark elves since then, to great success, but just with some buddies for smaller engagements. I love the magical dominance the previous codex gave the emo-elves, and this leads me back to my first love: the lizardmen!

    So when i just moved to a new apartment I found an old gift card, and a 40k batallion box that i won from the only tourney i've been in. I won a small 40k tourney with a bolted together, borrowed dark angels army, after being goaded to learn the rules in a week and join so my friend thougth he'd win with his cheese list. Well, I somehow managed to win the entire thing, and promptly forgot the batalion box of marines i won... But now, suddenly the clouds parted down to the hobby shop, and I'm thinking of starting up the Scaly War Machine again!

    So this is what i have from ancient days: prob about 30+ saurur, 30+ skinks. A buthchered, old slann. He needs some love, and i need to remove the temple guard carrying him. Maybe make them unit fillers for the temple guard? 2 salamanders, 1 poorly fitted, old stegadon, 1 terradon, 1 krox (and a rat ogre i used as a prox krox), Tichi Huichi's skink riders box (5 or 6 riders, i think). One saurus hero (cool, old mini with stegadon skull helm and axe).

    The marines box will net me a lizardmen batallion box when returned. This will net me 8 cold one knights ('the Stout riders', obviously. stupidity due to drunkenness), 24 saurus, 10 temple guard and 10 skinks. Good value I believe. And I have almost enough on that gift card alone for a Carnosaur, or just take a bastiladon. I really just want to get the Carnosaur, so i can make the spare skink oracle into an awesome priest on foot, and get some head/weapon options for the saurus champ/scar vet. I WILL buy myself a bastilladon rather fast, as I have plans for a LED-light socketed into the prism, that a friend of mine will help with.

    Now to the meat of things: What should I go for to create my first army? What should I focus on painting up to a proper standard first? My buddies can field about 2000points, and we don't need painted models for until we've got everything set up. So... Suggestions?

    Also: the old slann and stegadon needs some converting love. I want an engine of the gods and solar engine in my army, because intricate, old engines precariously placed upon rampaging dinosaurs is dead fun. Same reasoning behind the Carnosaru. I used to suck at converting and green-stuffing, something that old slann really showed. It came without one of the horns on the stegadon skull-throne he came with, and after much drama now has 2 horns made from green stuff unsupported by steel wires.. Sigh. Tips and tricks are very much welcome!

    Any advice at all is welcome. Thanks for reading that wall of text. It was not supposed to be this long, i swear :)

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