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Newbie to the fold

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by GazAtolla, Apr 7, 2014.

  1. GazAtolla
    Jungle Swarm

    GazAtolla New Member

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    One of my friends thought they'd be nice and buy me something for my birthday a while back and got me a Saurus unit (not sure why as I've never shown any interest in building an army, I've only ever painted big display pieces) ANYWAY......I thought I might as well build up a collection of Lizardmen and (after buying things purely because I think they look cool) now have the following.

    Oldblood on Carnosaur

    Skink Priest

    16 Saurus w/Spears

    16 Saurus

    10 Skink Skirmishers w/Javelins

    10 Skink Skirmishers

    20 Temple Guard

    6 Terradon Riders

    Bastiladon w/Solar Engine

    Ancient Stegadon

    After reading the army book I've worked out this comes in at around 1900pts and decided to try gaming.

    What advice would you give me regarding changes/improvements that I could make?

  2. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    Giving the units you have there:

    Put the Saurus together into one 32 block

    Divide the 6 terradons into two 3's

    make your skink have Heavens

    find pts for an Engine of the Gods for your ancient steg :)
  3. GazAtolla
    Jungle Swarm

    GazAtolla New Member

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    Thanks..........what about magic items, I'm tempted to give the Oldblood the Piranha Blade & Stegadon Helm, can he still take light armour & a shield if he's taken an item of magic armour? (forgive my ignorance as I haven't fully read the Warhammer rulebook yet)

    Also is it worth giving the Skink Priest level 2?

    Are there any units/characters I should look to be adding?
  4. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    You will find that no question is ignorant on this forum :) all is valid.

    I think magic items is determined of what you want him to do.
    Monster hunter?
    Character killer?

    or is he "just" with a unit to tip the scales of combat?

    I like both items, haven't tried them together though. Give it a spin and see what you think! :)
    And yes, magic armour dosnt prevent you from taking normal armour...UNLESS

    the magic armour is a shield, you cant have a normal shield
    or the the magic armour is either light or heavy armour (it says on the item if it is) you cant take neither light or heavy armour.

    Stegadon helmet is not a shield, and it is not light or heavy armour: so you can still take a shield and/or normal armour :)

    The normal and commonly know as the overall "toughest" build is

    - Dawnstone
    - Armour of destiny
    - The other tricksters shard
    - Cold one
    - Great weapon

    Gives him a re-rollable 1+ armour save with a 4++ (wardsave)

    Note: if you keep him on your carnosaur instead of the coldone it will still be +1 armour save ;)

    if you dont have a Slann, yes its worth it, and I actually think you should bring 2 priests if you decide to go slannless.
    one with Cube of darkness and one with dispell scroll.

    I feel naked without my Slann...but there is a lot of people who can make it work without.
    I know Sleboda here on the forum almost takes pride in winning without the big frog, check his awesome battle-report thread out here
    : http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/the-path-to-awesome-tracking-every-game-ever.13333/

    one thing you MUST have though, is Scar vets on cold ones.
    They are one of the strongest picks in our army, AND dead fun to play with :)
    Also: skink cheif's on terradons are awesome units!

    If you have ton of questions as I had when I returned to the hobby about a year ago then I cant express how awesome THIS is:


    its pretty much the collection of all golden topics on the forum. I actually think you can find knowledge on all questions you can come up with.

    Take a look through it! :)
  5. GazAtolla
    Jungle Swarm

    GazAtolla New Member

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    Ta very muchly, you have been most helpful and given me plenty of things to consider
  6. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    very welcome mate :)
    Good luck with it!
  7. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forum!

    For more information to help you decide how you want to expand your growing army, I'd give the Tactica Index a looksy if you haven't done so already. The general overview and types of army build links will probably be the most helpful starting out.

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