So I am intrested in starting a Lizardmen army. But am kinda strapped for cash. Was ogling the batalion set that with a scarveteran should come pretty close to 1000 points. Was thinking of making this my begining for the army. After having painted that and familierised myself with the army I tought that another batalion, with a Slanmage and skink priest should bring me pretty close to 2000 points. Is this a good way to start? Also Hello all, first time I show myself here ^^
Greetings, welcome to the forum! A battleforce is a good place to start, it gives you a nice number of troops and a good start to the army. 2 maybe not so much.... You probably won't find yourself wanting to use 16 cold ones in an army, see how you go after the first lot. However, the other stuff is all useful and battleforces usually work out to 1 unit free, so if you are going to buy all the rest for the same cost anyway might as well grab the battleforce. Also, I am going to move this to LM Discussions for you.
A battalion is the perfect place to start. Very cost effective. I put together a little price comparison chart: The Scar-Vet is a very solid investment as well. You'll likely be taking one of these in almost all your armies. If you are intending to put him on a Cold One, you may consider holding off on the purchase to start. Cold One Riders are usually best in groups of 5 or 6. The 8 you get with the Battalion means you'll have 2-3 extra Cold One Riders. You can very easily paint up one of those extra into something special and use him as your Scar Vet on a Cold One. And the Temple Guard in the Battalion come with TONS of extra little Bits that you can apply to him to make him special. If you are intending to use him on foot, I personally recommend getting the Chakax model instead of the Oldblood model. The Oldblood model is... unattractive at best. The Chakax model is awesome though. And they cost exactly the same. Other cost cutting tips: Get a Stegadon. You will *definitely* be using one of these later on. The extra bonus is that they come with a Skink Chief and a Skink Priest as well! Just stick these guys on a normal 20mm base and you get two free characters if you dont want to use an actual Stegadon that battle. Slann is well worth the purchase as well.
Thanks for the replies and tips. Really liked the chart also. Hehe Good that there is forums with pepole that can real you back to reality when you get to hyped about something. Was like a litle child at christmas when I posted first time ^^ Still quite cheerful thou, maybe I get a little to carried away sometimes Gonna head down to shop tomorow pick up the batalion and a scar vet on foot. Can as you said piff up another one from the cold ones. Have planned to game this weekend with some friends for the first time in almost 5 years I belive. Damn I'm getting old.. Should be able to assemble em till then atleast. Next week I should be able to paint em also. "shudder" I wasent a good painter 5 years ago and something tells me my skills havent gotten better by drinking beer Then again heavy drinking often increases my danse skills by 2d6, maybe works with painting also. And again Thanks for the pointers. If anyone else have some tips for a beginner building up from scratch I would love to hear em /Rickie
I like the slann idea, because 20 templeguard + slann = pretty hardcore (if high points) unit. I'm one of the ones who feels Temple Guard requires a Slann myself. 16 points a model and no stubborn/immune to psych without one. naw, here's a frog guys, now stop oogling him and start fighting!
Trust me from experience, painting skill (and modelling skill for that matter) most certainly does not increase in any fashion with standard drinks, though your opinion of the skill does increase somewhat especially when you can hardly see the model anyway. Not as nice in the morning unfortunately, though a good drink of absinthe generally does seem to improve my painting and willingness to paint. Fear not though, everyone was a beginner at some stage. If you have a local GW, ask them for advice, they will go through your first few models with you. Also do a bit of a google search, there are thousands of articles around, and look through our painting forum for inspiration and threads directed at beginners. Finally, when you have tried a couple of models post some pics of them and we will be happy to give you a few pointers in the right direction.
So bought the battalion set, some tools, glue and the armybook today. Gonna get started on the skinks after I prepare some food (pizza delivery sounds nice). I'm out of beer so the risk of awakening tomorov finding mutant skinks should be relativly low. After some smal consideration I think I will field em something like this for the games this weekend. Redid the list in to something that actually might be usable. Find most of LM magic items a bit lacking, might just be I'm to used to DE stuff. Also with evrything having such a low Initiative gets me thinking that GW's are to be preferd, I'll probably will strike last anyways. With time I'm surtain even I will learn ^^ For the painting bit, I wanna keep it cheap. I'll have to buy evrything from scratch and me very poor. As purple is my favo coluer, I was thinking make em purple with black scales. Planing on making skinks brighter and more color full. And sauruses a bit darker. On some models i might also do a white tummy. Then I'll do the classic gold on metal, I am thou stumped on shields and Cold Ones. The color wheel sugets green or yelow for purple, so a bright green might be good. Then make all cold Ones and other reptiles Green and yellow. Have a week or two to decide, so no hurry. And sure I'll snap some picks when I do the painting, Can make a section like "What not to do when painting". Nha food then some skinks need to be assembeld. @ angelwuff Yes seems like a nice point sink when you want to avoid spending to much cash @ strewart Nha I'm one of the unlucky ones, have lived in 3 difrent citys, never had a GW store in either. I'll try to lay of the booze atleast an houer before starting to paint ^^ And thanks for the encourgement /Rickie
Rickie, if you are interested in building a 1000 point list, you may want to consider swapping one of those scar veterans for a skink priest, or dropping it all together. My line of thinking comes from the fact that at 1000 points you may face magic enemies (frequently TK, VC or another army that decides to go magic heavy). Basically, if you choose to take two characters, take a sarus scar veteran and a skink priest (for magic defense). If you decide to drop one of them it frees up more points for other troops which is more and more important, the smaller the game you play is. Hope that helps, best of luck in your collecting. *edit* Quote added *edit* Removed response to previous post
thesecondman: haha I dont do the ilegel things anymore. Barotok: I aint expecting to face much magic now in the begining, will just play with friends. Friends that dont really like using magic. However I do plan for a slann and an EotG in the future. At the moment I am really limited on what I can put on the table. When I'm done painting this I think I will buy a skink pack, kroxigor and a steggie. Should give me 1unit more of skirmishers, 1unit skrox, and an EotG. Should also be some skinks left to convert to priests/cameo skinks. Also wanna say thanks for all the input here again, have learned a lot browsing this forum. And the initiative on the tactics forum with strategies for units is really nice