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Discussion in 'Introductions' started by ADisturbingCreation, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. ADisturbingCreation
    Jungle Swarm

    ADisturbingCreation New Member

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    Niltze, or "Hello" in Aztec Lustrian (Okay, so I googled that, and not very throroughly, so it's probably wrong. Also, I'm not Aztec in any way.)

    Back to the realm of sanity - hello!

    I'm not technically a new member here, as I joined back in 2009. However, I haven't been on, well, at all really in that time. I've also been out of Warhammer Fantasy for most of that time too, so I thought it would be best to start again with a new greeting.

    I'm a long time 40k player from Aberdeen, Scotland originally, now living in Bristol, England. I have dabbled in Fantasy in the past, but haven't played much since 8th edition came out. This is not due to any major disapproval of the rules change or any such thing, but simply because that happened to coincide with when I started attending tournaments and events at Warhammer World in Nottingham, which typically were for Warhammer 40000. As a result, most of my hobby time was spent on 40k, and Fantasy got left by the wayside (graduating from university, moving house and starting a new job didn't help either!)

    So, after pretty much 3 1/2 years of attending 40k Throne of Skulls and Battle Brothers events and subsequently exclusive 40k gaming, my friends and I decided to shake things up a bit and go to a Fantasy tournament, which has launched me right back into the Old World. After dusting off my Lizardmen army and realising again how much I love this race (not to mention the refreshing change it has been from painting ceramite armour plating!) I found my way back here.

    Typically my hobby revolves around Games Workshop's tournaments and events at Warhammer World, however, I do not consider myself a hardcore, WAAC gamer. I attend these events for two main reasons - a) it gives me an opportunity (read: excuse) to indulge my hobby in my busy life now I have been forced to enter the real world of work and responsibility, and b) because I have a good friend who works for Black Library, and lives in Nottingham, so I get a good excuse to visit him, and see my other friends who travel from around the country to the events. The events also give me a target to aim for, otherwise my innate laziness prevent me getting anything built or painted!

    So, after that unintentionally long winded (re-)introduction, I am looking forward to renewing my Warhammer Fantasy hobby, and I hope (read: am sure...) you will welcome me back with friendly, open arms (or claws, flippers, tentacles, or whatever form of appendage the Old Ones have blessed you with.)

    Oh, also, if there is anyone in the Bristol, UK area, please feel free to drop me a line as I'd be happy to meet up to play games, or just go for a pint sometime! :D
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Welcome back to Lusria man. :smug:
  3. Fhanados

    Fhanados Well-Known Member

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    Welcome back! I envy you UK folk and your organised events and your Warhammer World and your slightly less absurd prices. We don't even have Games Day down here in Oz anymore!

    Glad to see you rejoin and hope to read of your exploits.
  4. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Nice to see another one whose jungle fever has drawn them back to the Lizards. Looking forward for all the valuable insights you no doubt have from all your tournament playing!
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    The Old Ones know no greater joy then when a lapsed old school Lizardmen player returns to the fold....

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