Blog Noob skink help

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Megalodon, Apr 3, 2020.

  1. Megalodon
    Jungle Swarm

    Megalodon New Member

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    Hi all. Got first skinks through the post early so time to put half dozen them together for practice painting.
    Off the bat dont like the shields so i wont be using them so it's the 'bolt spitters' , spears and moon club route for me.
    Army theme is going to be snakes and skinks, have decided against frogs.
    So three with the spears and three with the blow pipes.
    I want to make the two with tongues out into snakey tongues how do? Also the ends of the spears look weird. I want point ones without the Bobby thing attached so I'm going to butcher them too any ideas or suggestions? I have to glue the arms on then use the green stuff type filler to fill in the little gaps before I paint them right?
    Heellllp I dont want to mess up these lovely little models.
    Acrocanth likes this.
  2. Acrocanth

    Acrocanth Well-Known Member

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    There shouldn't really be any gaps on the arms if you do follow the instructions. The javalins and clubs are pretty hard to screw up in this regard. With the blowpipes just test the arms before glueing to make sure you have a pair that work together on your mini. I've never tried making snake tongues I assume we mean forked and not snakes as tongues :p. I would try using a small file to fork the tong that's there as it requires the least green stuff less and less fiddley or likely to break the mini. Just slowly and carefully file a little divet in the middle of the tongue. I'm not sure what the bobby thing on the javalins is but good luck?
    Imrahil likes this.
  3. Acrocanth

    Acrocanth Well-Known Member

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    For somereason I thought the blowpipes had a two handed stance. Still good advice for other kits but really the normal skink are super forgiving out of the box :p
    Cuetzpal Pilli likes this.

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