.....Xbox, Xbox have recently updated thier dash board, and i have my views, but would like to know wat others think. I personally think its aweful. it looks cheap and tacky, and the new noices being pap, they've moved everything i use and made some of it harder to access (in my view). Due to this new kinect dash, it made me not want kinect cos if the dash looks like a demented disabled child of a mac and the wii, whats kinet gonna bring to the 'stage'. and i dont want PS3 rants as i own a very dusty 1. and thier dash is aweful as well. Xbox-PS3-WII were ing the 21cent let us costomise our dash our selve!
Well I saw I had to update, all good. I'm not in a hurry so, I update. But when it was done it looked so horrible, so horrible... So horrible in fact that I'm happy I don't need to look at it more than 5min (max) every two weeks. Cheers!
Don't know what you guys are talking about, I am a PC man. Give me a keyboard and mouse over a controller ANY day. Also, don't think you can really compare Wii to the other consoles. Nintendo obviously had a different target market and intention for it, they did not want cutting edge graphics and hardcore gaming, they wanted light-hearted fun that anyone can pick up and enjoy. In that, they succeeded. Yes, I have one, but honestly haven't played it in a looong time, novelty wore off.
I think it's a neet concept for the dashboard, but a failed one. I like the clean white colors, but it just looks to cheap and boxy. It might as well be the windows vista of xbox updates as far as user-friendlyness is concerned lol I do however love 1 thing that it introduced GO XBOX LIVE ESPN CHANNEL! I love being able to use my espn3 access acount to watch all my Boston games in hd on my vizio instead of on my POS Computer lol