8th Ed. old blood on carnosaur

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by ancient stegadon, May 5, 2011.

  1. ancient stegadon
    Cold One

    ancient stegadon New Member

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    so i wanted to play with a carnosaur because always using a slann is boring and because the model is awesome, but i had 2 questions.

    1. if i give the old blood the blade of realities and an additional hand weapon does the extra attack from the additional hand weapon get the effect from the balde?

    2. so with the ultimate predator special rule from the carnosaur it says: each unsaved wound that the carnosaur inflicts is miltiplied into D3 wounds, does this mean it only works against models with mutilply wounds or does it alway work agains infanty units with just just 1 wound per model?
  2. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    I could be wrong, but here's my interpretations:
    Yes, all his attacks benefit from the Blade of Realities' special effects.

    I believe it works against any model or assortment of models. For example, if you cause 1 unsaved wound to a unit of Goblins, and then you roll a D3 result of 3, then you actually do 3 wounds to said unit. Again, I could be wrong on this one.
  3. Coatl
    Temple Guard

    Coatl New Member

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    I don't think the special effects of a weapon transfer over, but i could see it happening either way. check the brb in the section under magic/special weapons for clarification.

    and no, they dont spill over. instead of doing 1 wound for each wound inflicted, the carnosaurs attack do d3 wounds. think of it likes this. carnosaur gets 5 (or 4, cant rememeber) attacks. you hit with 3, wound with 2 of them. the target fails their save. you then roll a d3 for each wound inflicted, thats how many wounds that model (or models) suffers. so if your attacking a single guy (say in a challenge), he would suffer 2 * d3 wounds instead of just 2. if you were attacking a unit, the 2 models you wounded would suffer d3 wounds each instead of just 1 each (great against monstrous infantry, not so much against goblins).

    think of it this way, you cant wound more models than you hit.
  4. BEEGfrog

    BEEGfrog Member

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    1) Massive Tome pg 501 "A magic weapon cannot be used alongside an additional hand weapon to gain an extra attack". Not only does the magic ability not transfer as it is linked to the item, you can't use an additional HW in any case.

    2) As coatl says multiple wounds rule only affect models with multiple wounds and the extra wounds are applied after any armour, ward or regen saves have been taken with no further saves of any type allowed against the additional wounds.
    The number of wounds inflicted is capped at the number of wounds on the profile for rank and file models but the number of wounds remaining for characters or other models where attacks have been specifically allocated (slightly different for challenges). E.g. if a carnosaur chomps on a R&F krox with only 1 wound left it could cause up to 3 wounds if it rolls high enough and the additional wounds would be passed on to the next R&F krox in the unit, but if it was the last model then only 1 wound be caused and additional wounds rolled for that wound would not be passed on to characters in the unit.
  5. Coatl
    Temple Guard

    Coatl New Member

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    im going to have to disagree with you mr frog. the bold statement is not correct. if the carnosaur only managed to wound the krox with 1 wound, whatever he rolls on that d3 will apply to that krox only. the excess wounds will not transfer to other kroxigors or skinks that may be in that unit. if he wounded 2 kroxigors, he would roll a d3 for each individually if they failed their save.

    example: carni attacks some kroxigors, with one having 1 wound left. carni hits with 3 and wounds with 2. krogors fail their save. ordinarily youd lose the 1 krox and the next would take a wound. in this case, the first krox would die from the single wound he suffered and the next krox would take d3 wounds (hopefully you roll a 3! :)).

    think of it like this. if you shot a cannon at a horde of kroxigors and it went through 2 ranks, succesfully wounding both. you roll a 6 for both Multiple Wounds (D6) rolls. do you cause 12 wounds to be spread across the unit or do you cause 6 wounds to the first rank krox (thus killing him quite well) and 6 wounds to the second rank krox (following in the same squishy fate as the first rank krox)? the answer is the latter

    again, the model who failed his save against the wound caused by the carni suffers d3 wounds instead of 1. you cannot suffer more wounds than you have on your profile (with the exception of overkill in challenges and even then you don't actually suffer them). the excess wounds are lost
  6. ancient stegadon
    Cold One

    ancient stegadon New Member

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    okay thanks all to bad the multiply wounds only works on units with more then one wounds else it would be fun to do a thunderstomp (carnosaur is a monster) with STR7 and then make them D3, i supose i could still use that on war beasts ;P
  7. Stonecutter

    Stonecutter Member

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    The BRB FAQ states that special rules don't apply to stomp/thunderstomps so not d3 on swarms/multiwound beasts.
  8. Sapo

    Sapo Member

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    Another question on the OB & Carnossaur theme...

    When the Carnosaur Frenzy, does it carry to the OB and make both Frenzy ...and gaining one attack each?
  9. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    In 7th edition, the frenzy used to transfer, but the rule is gone in 8th ed so it is just the carnosaur that gets it.

    And yeah, can't use additional hand weapon with a magic weapon and the d3 wounds only affect the model that the first wound hit, they don't transfer over.
  10. Benny6Toes

    Benny6Toes New Member

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    Also, any extra wounds caused by the D3 wounds won't carry over into combat resolution (unless in a challenge). The wounds are simply lost in non-challenge combat.
  11. SlannRordrin

    SlannRordrin New Member

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    Here's how I look at it, correct me if I'm wrong:

    You can never kill/remove more models than wounds caused, before multipliers. I.e. two wounds equals at most two models removed from play.

    So, you cause 2 wounds on Ogres, they fail their saves, then roll your d3. There are no wounds on these ogres yet, and you roll a 2 (1 wound) and a 4 (2 wounds) causing 3 wounds total. One ogre model goes away and you get 3 for combet res.

    Say that an ogre already has 2 wounds and your Carn rolls two 6s for d3 multipilier, causing 6 wounds; only two models would go away with a a combat res of 4.

    Correct, yes, no, maybe?
  12. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    You still get the 6 wounds for combat rez, but only 2 orges would go down. With 2 wounds on the next ogre.
  13. BEEGfrog

    BEEGfrog Member

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    If you are attacking multiwound rank and file then all are considered to be at full wounds while working out the multiwounds but you cannot cause more wounds on any model than it has on its profile and you cannot score more than all the R+F have in total.

    I.e. 4 models with 3 wounds on profile with 2 wounds from previous and opponent caused 4 unsaved (D6 multi-wounds)
    Opponent rolls 2,3,4,5 for wounds, this is amended to 2,3,3,3 due to max wounds on profile and the unit dies due to only having 10 wounds and suffering 11 but only 10 count toward combat res as there were only 10 wounds to lose in unit. If there were more than 4 R+F models in unit then they would have 1 wound carried over.

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