7th Ed. Old to Warhammer, new to Lizzies. Want to play competitive.

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by HERO, Mar 9, 2009.

  1. HERO
    Jungle Swarm

    HERO New Member

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    Hey guys,

    So I'm a fairly old hand at Warhammer and I've been playing for quite a long time. I currently own High Elves and Dwarves in Fantasy and Space Marines for 40K. I attend tournaments and enjoy the competitive gaming scene of Warhammer but as of late, I've been more or less more casual due to the environments that I play in.

    I read over the Lizardmen book this weekend and I like what I see. The reasons why I chose to go with High Elves as my primary army is because of their Magic, their Elite infantry and their cavalry. I enjoy the tactical masterpiece that is a solid High Elf list and I do enjoy their method of battle very much. My playstyle is aggressive and I field two competitive lists regularly; one being Teclis and the other my Prince on Star Dragon. Out of the two lists, I enjoy my Teclis list the most even if it's less effective than my Star Dragon. This is because I find magic to be the most interesting aspect of the game (and thus why I prefer fantasy over 40k).

    Since my Lizardmen book is in the mail and coming in the next few days, I want to brainstorm and construct a tournament Lizardmen list. Two of them in fact. One of which will feature a Slann (being masters of magic, I expect that much) and a Oldblood (CC-orientated) list. I will also have to judge them by price so I know which one to construct first. Money my friends, is always an issue in this hobby unfortunately.

    I don't have the book with me, but hopefully my memory will help me in making a ballpark estimate. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I'll go ahead and make the Slann list first for review before making my Oldblood list.

    The idea here is to deploy with the Slann and his TG in the middle, followed by the two EotG on both sides and the Ancients on the sides of those. Skinks float around wherever. You move forward and shoot with Ancient Stegs and charge anything that gets close. Anything to charge the EotG takes blasts of undispellable magic in the face and gets counter-charged by the Ancients. If they charge the Slann gets counter-charged by the Ancients, take hits from the EotG and the Slann itself because it can shoot magic missiles into combat.

    Thoughts thus far? Oh yes, what do you guys think about the Slann Mage-Priest's setup? Is it ideal?
  2. didleoman
    Chameleon Skink

    didleoman New Member

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    umm a slann can cast if his unit is in close combat but the rules for a magic missile is that it cannot be targeting an enemy unit that is in close combat
  3. HERO
    Jungle Swarm

    HERO New Member

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    Oh ok. I must of misread :)

    So what is the optimal number for TG?
  4. msinosic

    msinosic New Member

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    Careful putting up points costs, especially in regards to the Skink Skirmishers.

    I like the strategy, it should work well. Armies with warmachines may be able to top you with a few shots on the Stegadons. Magically you should be quite over powering. Bogging people down in the middle in melee you will do well. Perhaps elite units of knights will cause trouble if they hit your flanks but then again what wouldnt?
  5. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    quick note: Your specialchoise-steggies is not ancients. Ancient stegg is RARE choise and cost more pts.

    Exept from that, this list could be cool to play and very though to stand up agains!
    Guess it would be competitive enoght to kick some armies :)
  6. HERO
    Jungle Swarm

    HERO New Member

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    I was thinking instead of the two Ancients, what about the Skink Priest w/ Stegadon War-spear? 2d6+1 impact hits at S6 is pretty sick.
  7. blackhawk
    Chameleon Skink

    blackhawk Member

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    it could work but skink priest are better for taking arcane items like the boundspell, diadem and the mirror.
    if you want lance you really want a chief on ancient, cause the impact hits will do S6 and also the skink chief with his 3 attacks ( preist only has 1)

    and hell the eotg already does like 2d6 impact hits if you count the damage power with it.
    charge in. do the damage power, do impact hits. do normal attacks and then see if something still stands

    i have a list with 4 stegadons to but with no slann ( ie 2k points).
    and it works very well, not much can withstand such power. and defently not if they are all concentrated on one spot.

    i would just take 2 normal steggies and not another 2 ancients.
    the ancients have 12" shooting range and well, your skinks do to.
    if you have 2 normal ones you can shoot bolthrowers shot and so have a liek some long range shooting to ( 2 shots at one unit should give you one 1hit most times) and well 4 ancients is not that much of attacks ( 12 attacks) but 2 normals have already 8 attacks together.
    that is what i found out with playing my list, that i lacked amount of attacks when i got locked in combat.( thoug every hit was most of the time a kill) that brings you on avarage 1 kill with an ancient and 1 kill with the crew and well that is not much for something that cost almost 300 points.
  8. HERO
    Jungle Swarm

    HERO New Member

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    How does this look:

    Min core harassing units and a big block of Slann + TG with the -2 to hit banner. The two Disciplines that my Slann will probably take is Focus of Mystery and Focus of Rumination. I could also opt to take Becalming Cognition should the need arise with my extra 50 points, but I would rather take 2x Power Stones. The TG Champion has Venom of the Tree Frog which makes his attacks Poison, and the Skink Chief on the Ancient has 2D6+1 impact hits at S6 from his Ancient. The two EotGs ride on the flanks of the Slann's block with the Skink Chief in counter-charge position sandwiched between the rightmost EotG and the Slann's unit. One EotG casts 5+ Ward on the entire location area while the other casts +1 to cast on all of the Slann's spells.

    Magic Analysis:
    10 levels of Magic
    12 PD per turn, 8 DD, 2x Scrolls

    It's basically a magic-heavy list with Ancient Steggies. Enjoy, and please provide feedback.

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