Glittering Scales, Fencer's Blades, Cold One, Talisman of Endurance, Potion of Foolhardiness If you are playing against an army with rock lobbers, scream attacks, Death magic, or cannons a Carnosaur will make your Oldblood great at killing characters.
Ancient steg helm + Talisman of protection is all you need for pure defense. This gives him 2+ armour save and 4+ ward. I've run this a few times and it's great. If you're going for offense then take out the Pirahna Blade + Egg of Quango.
Amusingly, I just posted the breakdown yesterday:
I actually prefer Fencers blades and Armor of destiny 2+ 4++ ws 10 and 6 attacks Combine with Skink priests throwing out ice Shard he becomes a unit mulching monster.
Thats awesome - I hadn't thought of that. The Armour gives ward and armour save, I'd not noticed it was heavy before. That and the Quango Egg!!!! Nice
I really enjoy the fencers blade, dawnstone, glittering scales combination. Ofcourse with a cold one so 1+ AS, unkillable in melee against majority of units in the game, will tie point-wise against swordmasters and white lions, which is also quite an achievement..
If you want to tank daemon princes, blood thristers and what not, you'll want the 1+ re-rollable armor and 4+ ward. IMO, that's the only reason to take an old blood over the cheaper scar vet. -Matt
The standard kit-out is Great Weapon, Armor of Destiny, Dawnstone, Other Trickster's Shard. An oldblood with this kit is one of the toughest models in the entire game, and it will kill almost anything (eventually).