Hello again fellow Lustrians, Its been quite a while since I last posted, I did a Kroxigor a while back that people seemed to like. Anyway, I just got round to painting up the new plastic Oldblood in the same scheme - not sure how well the colours come out in these pictures but you get the idea. Feedback appreciated!
Nice paint job. I don't really like the eyes. But hey mine wont turn out that good. It may be the model. I've seen the model painted a few times before and the eyes always look a bit round and tiny. Raein has the same thing going on with his oldblood. http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/raeins-new-lizarmen-army.8040/ I love his left shoulder pad. It may be the lighting, but the color is cool anyway. What color is that? The base is catching my eye too. The dark parts make me think it's his shadow. Darker than I would do on my own model if i did it. But seeing yours, I'll probably try and mimic The deep dark lines on the aztek parts of the base. Love the effect. Is that a beastal brown wash, or is it something like vermin brown. I can't tell on the tan. I think my eyes are playing tricks on me. That crest on the helmet, ugh. It has it's tongue out just like the actual old blood. It's kinda distracting now that I've noticed it. It's a shame because I have this model and I know it's going to drive me crazy the whole time I'm paining it. It's kind of ridiculous looking imo. I may try and cut the whole thing off and add a spike or something. But then again that would make the snake on top headless. I may just call it the tricksters helm and leave it as is in that case. We'll see.
Yea I can vouch that the eyes are a bit too small, and the tounge is a bit silly, so I carved down the tounge on the one I did, he looks a littl more reasonable.
I'll have to do the same when i get to modeling him. And maybe cut down some of the longer teeth too. Despite my critiques I should say I do like the new plastic old blood quite a bit. Just some of his characteristics are a bit over the top. Did you do anything about the small eye or is that unfixible without a lot of modeling skill?
No I didn't bother, tey aren't realy super small, rather they are super squinty. I think one of the metal old blood was just as bad though.
looks beautiful. some green (why not just add some plants to the base?) would really make it come alive color wise imo.
Thanks for the replies guys, really nice to have some feedback on the model! A few individual responses: Tsunami - He's got some dead grass on his base now, though in the end I didn't go for green on the model because I didn't think it gave enough contrast with the brown - the red gemstones look a bit more exotic (I think, anyway). Besides, my Skinks are going to be green, so the army shouldn't lack for colour. Danbot - The armour is all worked up from Scorched Brown through Dwarf Bronze, with Chainmail added to bronze for a final highlight, and then a coat or two of Ogryn Flesh to give it that reddish look - also they catch the light nicely! Eyes are my weakness when it comes to humanoid models, i went for the weird colour based on crocodile eyes which are sort of greenish, but I didnn't do a great job of it. The base is scorched brown mud, and the stone is dheneb stone with two coats of gryphone sepia. Thanks again guys, I'm going to be starting a log soon with some other models, so keep an eye out if you liked this