Just wanted to open up a topic discussing the skrox and krox units in a head to head comparison. Which do you prefer? and why? What unit sizes do you field? What strategy do you employ?
Krox, unless you're trying to hit 25% in core. Skrox quickly filling up core is nice. They kind of do different things too. Krox can go into the front and wreck face. Skrox needs to flank, and has the extra useless wounds (skinks) to survive shooting while flanking a little better. -Matt
I've only found Skrox to do one thing more effectively than a block of krox, and that is be/break steadfast. 7 ranks for 300 points is kinda a big deal. But, it's sorta unfair to compare them to Krox, because what the Skrox are really competing with in the army list are blocks of Saurus, since they're a Core choice.
Unless the Skrox unit is tiny (11 and 1 methinks) or huge (50 and 5 me thinks) I'd steer away from Skrox.
Personally I'm in favour of the Krox unit because for the same cost you are getting nearly twice the amount of kroxigor. Plus... -with a kroxigor unit you get two ranks worth of strength 7 attacks -you can't be stomped or thunderstomped -don't throw away easy combat resolution points I feel with kroxigor you either play a small throw away unit of 3 or go big with a unit of around 8. Eight krox (4x2) is a scary thing to face. Predatory fighter really starts to kick in with large units of kroxigor and free strength 7 attacks are very nice. They are not ideal for all purposes, but what they do they do very well.j.. can openers and monster killers. Also any spells to boost their defence, or improve their striking (speed of light for WS 10 looks good) is a huge bonus.
Not much love for the Krox or Skrox? Everyone seems awfully quiet around here. Only 10 people voted in the poll? I personally love the Krox models and would love to know how people are using them to great effect (or not so great effect if that is the case)
Really, the topic isn't that controversial. Pretty much everyone has figured out that Skrox aren't as good in a fight as an equivalent block of Krox, or even as good in a fight as a block of Saurus. They lose combats against even fairly weak units with WS3 ST3, because of all the WS2 T2 skinks that die. Some people have relegated them to the roll of charge redirectors, using 1 Kroxigor as an expensive "+2 Leadership" option. In my opinion, about the only thing Skrox are good for is using their M6 to get in the flank. This is good because their large number of ranks will break steadfast and deny CR for ranks, something lizardmen otherwise have difficulty doing.
For me, I can see Skrox blocks as being quite useful as they are fast and scary to most smaller flanking/support type units. They are less about charging units in the flank as they are about chasing off Eagles/Reavers/Outriders/Marauder Cav/ and all those types. The protect the Saurus and monsters vulnerable flanks from unfortunate interference. On the other hand Krox are just nasty beatsticks. Glass Canons for sure seeing as they don't quite have the durability of many other hard hitting monstrous infantry and coupled with them striking last, well they tend to not like running directly into somethings face. Krox are ideal with their S7 for smashing monsters apart though. They also benefit from charging into a flank or rear so the number of attacks directed at them are minimized. So both of these units like to operate on the flanks of my army but they do very different things, Skrox are more defensive in their roll, while Krox are very offensive. I play in a more offensive style so I like the Krox for that. I find it kinda cool that we have an army that is filled with both Monsters and Monster killers.
From what I have been reading around here, is there any reason to take a unit of kroxigor over a cowboy or two?
In my opinion, not really, no. There are a couple of things Krox can do that cowboys aren't so great at, like taking down a steam tank or a large number of knights. But in general, the cowboys are way more flexible, and you can get 2 of them for same price as a block of 6 krox.
Pretty much... I really wished they worked better, but they just don't seem to. It's quite the shame, they're a great looking unit.
only after they got some unusual errata. (from 8th edition) they currently work like the did in the beginning of 7th.
I usually use 10 skinks with one krox, musician and champion as redirect material, this also makes them hit 60 slaves cap in swedish comp (skink units below 60 slaves cost extra comp). But comparing 20 skinks with 10 skinks plus krox probably favours 20 skinks. There was one time i was actually able to kill of a plague furnance on first round of combat with 2 scarvets and a skrix dart, so sometimes the singel krox can be handy.
Honestly, as someone returning to Warhammer after a decade long hiatus, I was not even sure what Skrox were referring to in this discussion... through context and comments I get it now. I only have 2 Kroxigor Models, so I don't get to field them as much as I might like, But having never used the Skink Cohort WITH Kroxigors before I would be tempted to just go for stand alone Krox, and use skinks on the side to harass enemy units while the big guys dish out the pain.
The new 9th age skrox units will be act a mix between the 7th ed and 8th ed. In other words they'll actually be fairly useable