AoS Potency of First List?

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by DeathFantasy, Sep 29, 2023.

  1. DeathFantasy
    Jungle Swarm

    DeathFantasy New Member

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    I've devised a list that I should be able to play the moment I have all of my miniatures actually built, and I believe it may be decently effective but was wondering how true that was as I have little experience with Age of Sigmar in general.

    Army Faction: Seraphon

    Army Type: Starborne
    Army Subfaction: Fangs of Sotek
    Grand Strategy: Realmshaper Guardians

    1 x Skink Starpriest (130)*
    Spells: Speed of Huanchi

    1 x Skink Starpriest (130)*
    Spells: Speed of Huanchi

    1 x Slann Starmaster (290)
    Command Traits: Lord of Celestial Resonance
    Artefacts: Prism of Amyntok
    Spells: Comet’s Call


    10 x Skinks with Javelins, Daggers, and Star-Bucklers (90)*

    10 x Skinks with Javelins, Daggers, and Star-Bucklers (90)*

    5 x Raptadon Chargers (150)*

    5 x Raptadon Chargers (150)*

    10 x Saurus Guard (140)


    1 x Bastiladon with Ark of Sotek (180)*

    1 x Bastiladon with Ark of Sotek (180)


    1 x Ravenak's Gnashing Jaws (70)

    1 x Soulsnare Shackles (40)


    3 x Terradon Riders (110)

    3 x Terradon Riders (110)

    TOTAL POINTS: (2000/2000)

    The general idea is that the Saurus Guard + Slann and the Skink Starpriests + Skinks + Bastilodons would form a three-pronged home defense sort of strategy that defend their objectives primarily through durability (partially helped by the -1 to hit spell from the starpriests) while dishing out mortal wounds via spells and the arks of sotek (buffed with the serpent staff for extra mortals of course), while the terradon riders and the chargers go on the offensive and seek out more out-there objectives and contend with enemy flankers.

    In addition, through the terradons and soulsnare shackles I intend to hamper enemy movement, cutting them down further with the gnashing jaws spell for potentially big damage. It's all solid in theory, but like I said I have no real practical experience, so this list could be absolute poop in actuality! Let me know your thoughts.
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