Hey there, due to the 50% rule I´ve createt a list with 2 Carnos, a Slann, core full of Skinks with Kroxis and TG. When looking at the army I´ve recogniced that there are just the two Carnoriders and the TG that are saurus. So I came up with the idea to take modified Skinschiefs as Oldblooded (not sure how to make them look much more dangerour but I´ll manage this) and something different for the TG. Something that remindes of Skinks. And thats the problem... what can I take to "prox" the TG? Does anybody have an idea? The fact why I´m doing this is that I don´t like the saurus-models, but I love the Skink-models And I think that a complete army of Skinks might look awesome. Pofl
For the chiefs? Easier said than done. But I guess I´ll find a solution for them. My main problem are the TG models :/
I wanted to do something similar but I've shelved that idea for now. Was thinking of using left over ruin bits from steg/basti kits etc to use as basing decoration. To make them actually standing in/around temple ruins. The terradons have a few spare helmets to use aswell. Another idea is to use skeleton-stuff to make crude armor-like pieces. Buy just one box of skeletons from the tomb kings ought be enough for that.
I´ll give thoughts to that, thanks. The next problem would be to get those dudes Something like that could work, couldn´t it? Putting 2 or even 3 Skins on one Stone and bones on the ground. And a few Skins on the ground too, so the gaps don´t look to empty. http://elementgames.co.uk/paints-ho...d-accessories/angels-temple-ruins-terrain-2-5 But I don´t get how this armor shall suit the Skinks. Or do you just think as decoration not modeld on the miniatures?
The Saurus Warriors, Cold One Cavalry, and Temple Guard sprues (TG especially) have a lot of extra bits to adorn the Saurus. There are skulls, bones, all sorts of small decorative things. You can attach these to the Skinks' shields, javelins, and hips. Combine these with the feathers and stuff from the Terradon sprues and you could create some Skinks absolutely covered in little trinkets and trophies. They could look so different from regular Skinks...Temple Guard Skinks.
That´s what I´m looking for Covering them with bites is a nice idea, thanks. As soon as I have painted my normal Skins I´ll start working on them
I'm putting together a Skink Cohort unit as Tetto Ecko's honour guard. Each of them have Saurus shields and Saurus shoulder armour (as provided in the box) they generally look a bit more macho. Bigger shields, bigger weapons more armour. I wonder what a skink with the Carnold Old Blood shield would look like if you have one spare?
you could buy a bunch of the chief bits from the stegadon box. as for 5th edition temple guard, i may be looking to get rid of some.
One thing to remember, unless you're fielding them as regular skinks, but looking like TG, you're going to need a bunch of 25 mm bases, the skink bases are just that notch smaller, and it has a lot to say when we're talking toughness 4 str 4 models with 2 attacks.