Hey, I just have 2 questions about the explanation of an ability. You can read at the warscroll of the carno that after it slain an enemy u can charge again and attack in the same turn. What exactly can u do and when. If u slain a unit or a model? If it means model then u can attack the same unit again?? If not and u attack another enemy he can attack u the exact next moment when he talks about a battle? Also after my first battles, an enemy had a stormcast allegience and want to have an artifact. Is it possible or u can have it only on order etc allegience as I understood the generals handbook. Thanks in advance
Do you mean this entry: Blood Frenzy: A Carnosaur that tastes the flesh of the enemy becomes a rampaging force of destruction. Once this model has slain an enemy with its Massive Jaws, it can run and charge in the same turn for the rest of the battle. It would depend on how you read it, if the Carno massive jaws kill a model or unit then the above would apply and when the carno was not in combat it could run and charge, but if the unit was dead before you used that attack then it would not apply if that makes sense? Kimbie
the rule is written poorly (to be generous), but it's intended as single model. A unit is a very specific thing and they would have specified it if that was the case. And to kill the last model of the unit doesn't make much sense: if the jaws kill 9 hammerers and the Scarvet kills the last one, does this mean that the carnosaur didn't kill anyone? Order abilities and artefacts come with Order Allegiance.
Technically it could be any model in a unit. As long as the Jaws were used to remove a model from the table it applies.