AoS Question about heroes riding beasts

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Nielspeterdejong, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. Nielspeterdejong

    Nielspeterdejong Well-Known Member

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    So I've come across the Oldblood on top of a Carnosaur, and from my understanding the two are basically listed as one unit? Or can I say take a normal solo beast unit, and place a hero on top of it?

    The reason I'm asking is because I plan on buying the Dread Saurian model which is pretty amazing! Also, I happen to have bought a metal slann with only his chair left. So I was thinking, wouldn't it be cool to have a Dread Saurian with on his back the Slann sitting in his chair? :)

    Maybe just stuck near the head, or something more elaborate like this?

    However, even if it was possible and allowed to put the Slann there, he would ofcourse be targeted by enemies (only range I believe then?). So it might not be a good idea. A cool idea, but not a good idea.

    Is it possible for heroes to be stuck on beasts, so that just like Total war you'd first have to kill the mount before you can kill the hero?
  2. Phoedinn

    Phoedinn Well-Known Member

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    Sadly, no :( Heros and their mounts will always be part of the same warscroll, and can't be combined with other warscrolls to make a larger warscroll. Something else to note is that a hero and their mount share a wound pool. If one is targeted and damaged, so is the other.

    Don't let that stop an awesome conversion though! Just because the rules won't allow you to put a guy onto of a dread saurian doesn't mean it wouldn't still look cool :)
    Bowser likes this.
  3. Nielspeterdejong

    Nielspeterdejong Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, my thoughts as well :) I have gotten this second slann unit, and I want to paint his triceratops skull golden, and put it on top of the Dread Saurian :D Then have the Slann base not glued, but keeping it there either as posing or combat (saying he is controlling the beast with his might), or just keep the seat, and pretend that he is dismounted :D

    For that I'd have to color my two slann units (I have one who looks the exact same, but with better chair) the same. Tell me, is it worth using my Slann to create the cool Saurian model? Or should I keep my second slann as part of my army?

    Can you even have two slanns? (I think I'd still use my second slann for the awesome Dread Saurian chair with Slann though :D)
    Bowser likes this.
  4. Phoedinn

    Phoedinn Well-Known Member

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    You can indeed have two Slanns :) Right now, depending on the game type you play, only named characters are restricted to one per-army. I would say do whatever you feel would be the most fun! The whole point of AoS is that it's a lot looser than other games, letting you do whatever you want outside of the main rules. You could always magnetise the Slann, allowing you to swap him between his normal seat and the Saurian.
    Bowser likes this.
  5. spess
    Cold One

    spess Well-Known Member

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    I agree with @Phoedinn, magnetization is probably best with something like this. This will allow you a couple different things:

    1. You can swap out the unit on top of the dread saurian to fit your needs
    2. You can field the Dread by itself if you'd like, as well as any unit you magnetize for the top of it

    Personally I wouldn't have a problem seeing the Slann on top of the big dino as far as conversions / modeling. During a game however you might run into trouble as far as base sizes go. The Dread is huge and the slann is not, so there might be some troubles regarding as to how close a unit has to be to hit your dude.
    Bowser likes this.
  6. Nielspeterdejong

    Nielspeterdejong Well-Known Member

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    So you mean you'd have no problem having the actuall spellcasting Slann on top of the Dread saurian like that casting his spells? I think the idea would be awesome, though unpractical to expose your slann like that XD

    And magnets it is :)

    But I keep hearing how it's best to have a slann and a starseer in competetive, and not 2 slanns?
    Bowser and spess like this.
  7. spess
    Cold One

    spess Well-Known Member

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    Haha if only the rules allowed the dread slann mage! As far as I know, the Slann can't be mounted on a monster. However, a Slann can summon the beast!

    My intention was that if the dread only serves as a 'base' for the slann I wouldn't mind the giant dino rider on the field. IF you wanted to play both with each having their own battlescroll and acting as two separate models together, that would probably only see play in a game just for gits and shiggles. ;)

    TBH I can't answer about the two Slanns. I'd say if you have the models, just playtest it locally and see if it works out.
    Bowser likes this.
  8. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Two slann is somewhat useless in competitive given the rule of 1. The use for two slann is there, to get two different constellations going at once.
    spess likes this.

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