Hey guys just wondering something about rippers. When I fight with them which stats do I use is it the mount or the guy on top?
Run the attack profile of both separately in combat. When resisting attacks or taking ability score checks, use the best stats between the rider and Ripper. The composite model has the Immune to Psych and the possibility of unwanted charges from the Frenzy but only the Ripper gets the extra attack from Frenzy.
Ah cool thanks dude was wondering who got attacked because the toughness and was of the skinks and mounts are different. Also can a skink chief on a ripperdactyl join a unit of ripperdactyls? I only ask because the terra don character has a special rule that allows all terradons in his unit to use his ws. Cheers
Characters can't join flyers units. At all. So even that SC with the rule isn't actually allowed to join a terradon unit. Last edition they had a special rule that allowed them to join flying units. For some reason it's completely missing from the rulebook. Most likely will be errata'd back in, but at this stage the Warhammer Fantasy hasn't had a new FAQ or errata since near the beginning of the year.
Are you sure about this? I am pretty certain that you only get to use the wounds of the rippers, but that you still have to use the puny T2 of the skink rider when struck. (page 82 and 83 in the small rulebook) Cheers
Page 83 – Monstrous Cavalry. In thesecond paragraph, replace“All thecavalry rules…with oneexception – monstrouscavalry always usethe highest Woundscharacteristic…” with “All thecavalry rules…with two exceptions – monstrouscavalry always usethe highest Toughnessand Woundscharacteristics…” http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m2710122a_WARHAMMER_RULEBOOK_v1.6.pdf page 3, right side written in pink.