I have question on Stagedon and Bastiladon crews. I know that crew have their own profile for WS, BS, In, str, Att and thier monster have thier own profile and brings its wounds and saves. In addition any attack using Stats will be to highest of Crew or Monster's stat. My Question is onhappens when the monster is attacked in CC and Shooting (Balistic, or template). Previously they could be attacked separately in CC. For shooting, In case of balistic shooting it would be distributed among monster and crew as per 1-4, 5-6 rule. Any template weapon would hit all (if cannon or same strength hith all of them are affected, if grudge thrower higher strength is determined per 1-4, 5-6) rule. What happens in CC now? What happens in Balistic shooting now? What happens in Template shooting now? Is there something like monster and handlers rule's quasi ward save? thanks
In both cases, this is explained on page 45, under Howdah Crew : All hits upon the model are resolved using the monster's Toughness, Wounds and save... (along with further explanations regarding close combat)
Skinks make their own attacks using their own ws, int and Str. Bastillodon makes his attacks using his own ws ini and str. when the bastillodon is attacked use his ws, toughness and sv. In shooting both template and BS roll against the bastillodons toughness and use his save. The skink crew are ignored. There is no monster and handlers or quasi ward. HOWEVER if you mount a chief or priest on a steg he can be targeted seperately in cc. BS shooting roles to hit and then must randomise who is hit. The chief/priest is hit on a 5+. For template shooting and cannons both the chief/priest and the steg are hit Again no monsters and handlers but I suppose the chief/priest does act as a quasi 5+ ward save vs BS shooting only. The remainder of the crew on the steg is treated as per the example I mentioned with the bastillodon.