8th Ed. Questions about lone Slann

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by gapton, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. gapton

    gapton Member

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    Hi all

    So I have this 1100 pts game tomorrow and I am preparing the list for it.

    I might run a lone Slann, knowing that Saurus will not protect him well because he will be in the first rank.

    Here are some questions that I have stumbled upon:

    1) Would a lone Slann be an easy target in the shooting phase? Being alone he has no look out sir to protect him, is that correct?
    2) Would my Slann benefit from look out sir if he joins a group of Sauruses?
    3) What is the difference between Slann + Saurus and Slann + Temple Guard? As far as I know, temple guard becomes stubborn, Slann is ALWAYS in the second rank so he cannot be attacked in close combat.

    Would be nice to have these cleared up!

    I'm a new player and this is my first game with a Slann because previous games were less than 1100pts.
  2. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    1. Yes, if you do not make him etheral. If you make him etheral, the only shooting that can hurt him will be some dwarven cannons that can be made magical. There may be some other sources of magical shooting, but I think that is about it. If you take him solo, make sure to make him etheral and take the item that gives a 2+ war vs shooting.

    2. Yes, he is an infantry model.

    3. The primary difference is that in the TG unit, the slann goes in the second rank and the unit is stubborn. If you wan the same benefit, you could give your slann (or a scar-vet) the crown of command. This would make the saurus stubborn. However, the slann will be in the front rank. I find that I like to take the saurus with a slann a little better than TG. I do make my slann etheral though.

    Hope this helps.
  3. gapton

    gapton Member

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    Thanks your answer was very helpful.

    However my first time using a Slann didn't go so well lol he ran away from a group of over-charging Tomb King Chariot, knowing that the 3D6 S6 impact hits alone might be enough to kill him.

    However the Chariot rolled two 6s in the pursuit and slain my poor Slann lol.

    About your third point, you said you like using it with Saurus, however doesn't that mean you only get 9 attacks in a 5-wide setup in close combat? (6 from first row and 3 from support)

    5-wide temple guard + Slann get to lay down 13 hits in comparison, isn't that quite significant?
  4. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Saurus get 2 attacks each as well. It should be the same number of attacks. Also, you can use hand weapon and shield with the saurus (you cannot with the TG). That 6+ parry save, while not impressive, is nice to have. I will also make sure to include a scar-vet in the front row to get those attacks as well. If you run them 5 wide and want the slann in the second rank, you could add another scar-vet and that will push the slann into the second row.

    On another note, if your slann was etheral, I do not think the TK chariots could have hurt him. I do not think they are magical attacks. Not sure though.
  5. gapton

    gapton Member

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    Oh I was thinking of a 5-wide unit of Saurus where the Slann is at the front rank. I forgot you can push the character backwards. However why do I need two Scar-vet to do that? Being 5 wide, with full comm, the champion, SB and musician should always be in the front rank, adding one scar-vet will make the front rank consist of only one "normal" Saurus, therefore the Slann, being two-sauruses-wide, must be placed in the second rank, is that correct?

    Also when you say if my Slann was etheral, I am not sure how do I make him etheral. Are you refering to using a certain magic item to make him gain the fly special rule?
  6. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    He is refering to the sacred plack that gives him protection from non-magical attacks.
  7. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    By taking the discipline higher state of consciousness, you make the slann etheral and immune to non magical attacks (etheral).

    The only way to make him fly is to use the steed of shadows spell. Unfortunately, the slann cannot use a flying carpet.
  8. BEEGfrog

    BEEGfrog Member

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    Also remember that the Saurus immediately behind a Slann in the front rank get a support attack as they are immediately behind a model in the first rank.
  9. MOMUS
    Cold One

    MOMUS New Member

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    At 1100pts there is no need to take a slann, you would be fine with no magic. I would even say a slann at this low pts level wouldnt be very fun for an opponent.
    If you are going to take a slann why not take him in a skirmisher bunker behind your mainline? There is no need to put him in the saurus and waste your only ability slot on ethereal.
  10. Rhodium

    Rhodium New Member

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    a) I agree with MOMUS, no need for a Slann at 1100, can't kit him out and a skink priest would do fine at this level

    b) "1. Yes, if you do not make him etheral. If you make him etheral, the only shooting that can hurt him will be some dwarven cannons that can be made magical. There may be some other sources of magical shooting, but I think that is about it. If you take him solo, make sure to make him etheral and take the item that gives a 2+ war vs shooting."

    Most, if not all, Skaven shooting are magical due to warpfire or whatever it is called. If you run a solo slann against Skaven, good chance it will die very quickly as every weapons team, jezzail, doom rocket and warp lighting cannon will target him very early as they will know the Slann is critical to lizardmen and will cough up a lot of VP, especially if the slann is the general and BSB.
  11. BostonKaiser

    BostonKaiser New Member

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    I always run my Slaan solo. Like the others said, make him ethereal and give him the Divine Plaque of Protection for 2+ ward save against ranged attacks. I also believe that since he is infantry, if you keep him within 3 inches of a unit of infantry he gets a look out sir roll. Could be wrong about that last bit.
  12. Rhodium

    Rhodium New Member

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    BostonKaiser is correct, he will get a 4+ Look Out Sir if he is within 3 inches of a unit of infantry with at least 5 rank and file models
  13. BEEGfrog

    BEEGfrog Member

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    You run your slaan solo because he is chaotic and cannot stand the natural discipline of Lizardmen units, if he were a slann he might appreciate units more...

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