I was looking around people's army list posted on the internet; however, no one seems to be using Skink Chief on Stegadon put in ranked skinks with full command or ranked skinks with Krox. I think those two are really good hammer units, due to MV6 and static CR 5. Although movement will be painful. Wondering if anyone ever tried them and found success/failure?
not to mention you can't hide that unit unless behind tall terrain... since the steg is a large target any shooting can be directed towards him and thus hitting the unit it is with
the chief on steggie it becomes a solid stubborn unit although a bit pricey 500+ for a unit with 2 krox i could spend the points better elsewhere but it would be scary for opponents to see and they might spend too mush time overcommiting to that unit and give you some opportunity elsewhere if you use it let me know how it goes i'm interested in the potential on both spectrums
I think steg and krox in a unit of skinks is definitely putting too many eggs in one basket.. Especially when that basket is paper thin. Attacks at the unit can be directed at the skinks and easily rake up big combat res, though they are still competing with the attacks of the steg and krox you will not win by as much as a unit that big and expensive should. And if you mess up the attacks, you may find you lose. If the unit ever gets flanked, it is in big big trouble. And the large target in it presents itself as an easy target to shooting. Plus I think trying to manouvre such a unit, and work out where to put models in the unit, would be a nightmare. I'm not even sure putting just krox in a skink unit is wise, though I guess playtesting will confirm that. It just seems to give away combat res too easily when people kill the skinks, and both units could operate very well independantly. Krox are the equivelant of Ushabti, dragon ogres, rat ogres, trolls etc. which all work well on their own, while skinks have the potential to be a very mobile and annoying small flanker. Remember, the skirmishing skinks will not negate ranks while the ranked skinks will.
uh no becouse the character has US 5+ shooting is not randomized. you choose who you shoot at and thats who you will hit
An important thing to note is that characters who are Immune to Pyschology LOSE this ability when joining a unit that is not ItP. While the terror causing nature of the Steg will protect from fear/terror, panic will suddenly become an issue. I'd say if you want the punch of a steg with ranks, just swing in a skink block from the side after the steg is engaged. The maximum for that type of unit I would say 1 krox, because it buys you fear immunity. This way when facing something like VC, you don't have to worry about your flanking skink blocks failing to charge in with their vital CR support. The Krox's attacks are just icing on the cake, and help you lose fewer skinks from back attacks. I'm planning on a block of 21 skinks + 1 krox and full command... maybe two of these blocks.
Yeah thats not a bad idea... 60 odd points is a fair price to pay for immune to fear, but I guess when you have ld6-7 it is very helpful against undead. I would probably still stick with a smaller unit for flankers, maybe 10 plus a krox then they could be 6x2. Sure it puts him in the front rank, but no one is going to bother attacking a krox over some t2 skinks, especially when you are in their flank.
Are you allowed to put the krox in the front rank? I thought they had to be surrounded by skinks? Also remember it's harder to maneuver a wider unit.
I don't think 2 Kroxs in skink units are icing on the cake. 6 S 6 attacks can wipe out 3-4 models, killing almost all models in the opponent's front rank on the turn it charges. I want to think of it as giving the Kroxs rank bonus and NOT giving ranked skinks more attacks. Besides, T4 Save 4+ is not that hard to wound either. Since 20 skinks worth 100 points (similar to 2 Kroxs), I wonder if CR 5 worth trading with 2 Kroxs or not. Maybe if I finish painting the new Kroxs, we'll find out
I used the stegadon with skinks once, there was nothing wrong with it, made the trolls it hit REALLY SAD. My Kroxigor was purchased for use in Mordheim, but I've run Krox+skinks before, just not also with stegadon, it should be noted that the stegadon can charge OUT of the unit if it feels the need to, and let the skinks go somewhere else. It's also particualrly helpful to protect an engine of the gods.