This has been bugging me for a while. I was wondering which one everyone thought was better. I was going to have one of each but now I'm not that sure. Thanks,
Most armies are infantry based, sallies can shoot a big template. Hitting alot of models, in 8th edition partial hits count as full hits -they didnt before. The template counts as flaming and has a -3 to AS, which is really good at killing a large amount of enemy models. It also forces an auto panic test as long as one model is killed. The only army they dont do as well against is ogres. They can march and shoot, razordons cant. They have longer range on average than razordons, razordons need to roll to hit.
All this. In an all ropund army, salamanders are far superior choices. Razordons are good against Ogres.
Basically if you want them to shoot at small units of things take Razordons, if you want to shoot at big units take Salamander. 8th ed favors big units over small units most of the time.