Hi All, Was going to put this in the painting section, but was more after an answer from a Rules/ playability standpoint. Like many people on this site, I love the Razordon models and aren't too impressed with the Sallies, so I am thinking of adding a large, dimetrodon-like fin to the back of a Razordon model, paint it in bright colours, and maybe file back a few spines, to convert him to a salamander. From a gamers/ rules standpoint, can anyone see this as being a problem, provided of course I mention it to my opponent before the game? Would I need to add the neck frill as well? (more difficult due to spikage around the neck/ head area)
I couldn't imagine why anyone would whine over such a conversion. The sallie models are old and fairly crummy-looking, I say shoot!
Anyone who is anal enough to give you grief about that deserves you to shove him/her the razordon up a place where the sun doesn't shine... with the spikes upwards . The dimetrodon-like fin would look awesome! Do post pics of it when you finish. Cheers!
yeah i would personally punch anyone that gives you a problem in the junk (granted i'm kinda violent)
I think that as long as you let your opponent know, and you've done a reasonable job at making it look like a Salamander, I don't see a problem. What makes me groan is when I have an opponent that has perfectly good models for what ever they're trying to field and wants to put something else on the table that makes me think its something different. So as long as you convert the Razordon enough so that it makes your opponent think its something else, or at least wonder what it is (it sounds like you're going to do that), I don't think you'll have a problem. Personally, I don't make a habit of playing with people who don't have a problem 'junk punching' others with models around. However, I can understand that type of reaction should you encounter the "You can't do that because its proxying!" guy.
Meet this kind of guy... Wouldn't let me put a skink priest on one of the older steg models to make it an EoTG... Seriously... It IS a skink priest on a steg... And he wanted to use a Storm of chaos O&G army with unlimited big 'uns... >_> *Back on topic* I wouldn't have a problem with it, and you could always paint the spikes that you file down a bit to look a bit fiery... This is a promising conversion and if I'd be able to bother filing so much metal I'd do it myself... Then again, the models are terribly expensive, so I'd go the way of buying used razordons and not new ones... Cheers!
Hmm hellbreaker has given me a good idea, paint the spikes of the razordon with flame colours so it looks like the whole model is red hot. That should give it a salamander feel and look pretty cool. I think I may have to purchase a razordon afterall... Yeah if you convert it, the only people that would have a problem are probably not worth playing in the first place.
if its convrted to a reasonable degree and features 90% GW parts or is scratch built, all you have to do is explain before the fight which unit it is. It doesnt really matter if he has a problem wit it or not.
sorry, I do not know the tournament %, but 90% is for golden Daemon awards. Dont know if its different
Most tournaments say the end result has to be 75% Citadel. I think you could get away with it. And if you can't, then GS your own.
Cheers for all the responses everyone! The Razordon models are a bit further down my "to buy" list, but I'll post some pics and get some "work in progress" shots as well! Im thinking I'll try and find something close to what I want to hold the shape, and then greenstuff over it, haven't found anything quite right for the fin, if anyone has any suggestions please let me know, until then I'll be hitting the toystores to find an old-style plastic/rubber Dimetrodon to carve up... damn kids today and their new fangled toys! Hows a fella supposed to convert!?!
I've seen ones before where a guy took metal wire, drilled holes in the models' backs (he was using the old metal Horned Ones models) and then filled in between the wires with GS.