reaper minis are doing a kick starter up to about 150 models for a $100 pledge
It is in fact over 160 models now, and will rise again by a fair bit before the end next weekend. Some of the optional extras are pretty damn impressive too, miniature case with foam capacity 150 models for $25 and sets of 12 paints for $18! I've pledge for $200 at the moment, pretty happy with what I'll be getting especially as it increases 2-4 times per day! A lot of the models I'm not a massive fan of or won't have a use for, but hell even if I only use a third of them its still pretty impressive value.
So this has now reached a whopping 210 models that you will receive for $100. Thats about the best value miniature set I have ever seen! This page gives nice closeups of all the models you get. And with 2 days left, the amount is still rising rapidly! Some of the optional extras include dragons for $10-25! I know I probably sound a bit like an ad here even though I'm not, but it really is amazing value and I'd hate anyone to miss it who would really like it.
Holy smokes that's a LOT of minis!!! And I've always liked Reaper. I have many of them I use for D&D. This is something very much to consider! Thank you for posting. - Lord Cedric