7th Ed. Reform and moving into friendly unit with "special" moves.

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Nexus, Dec 19, 2008.

  1. Nexus

    Nexus New Member

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    Ok i had a 3k battle V's Ork's last night, the two main issues that came up were;

    1: When doing a "reform" move, in the book it state "keep the center the same". Now i took that as where ever the center of the unit is, stays the center of the unit after the reform, ie you cant stack everything on one side of the unit, the Ork player claimed that as long as the model that was in the center didn't move and the models didn't go over their movement range, you could put any other of the model anywhere in the unit.

    2: Ok we couldn't find anything that fully explained this but, when a unit does a "special" move, eg Animosity, spells that move units a specific distance, not one's that allow a normal move, etc. What happens when the unit hits a friendly unit not in combat, we've been playing of the fleeing into a friendly unit rule, witch is pop out an inch on the opposite side of the friendly unit. Again the Ork player claimed they would stop when they hit them (the ironic thing is when i first started playing Warhammer i made that claim and he was the one who suggested the fleeing rule).

    What are you opinions and advice?

    Oh and it was a minor loss (501 Points), damn Orkish magic, mutter, mutter.....
  2. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    1: Your only allowed to reform round the center of the unit, and no model must move more then twice their movement.

    2: Have had the same issue in a few matches myself. Can't find an exact reference, but we went with the stupidity rule for friendly units who clash:

    "If there are friends in the way, the units blunder into each other and their ranks become confused, in wich case both units are pinned in place for the rest of the movement phase and neither may move further"
    -BRB. pp. 52-
  3. didleoman
    Chameleon Skink

    didleoman New Member

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    well the way my group plays is if the movement places you 50% through the other friendly unit then place them 1" past the unit... if it was less then 50% then 1" before

    you do know that if a fleeing unit runs into another unit that isn't fleeing then you test for panic right?
  4. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    Yes, but I was refering to general compulsary moves and not to fleeing units.
    I've never played vs goblins and don't know the animosity rule. Is that significant for that kind of compulsary move we're talking about?
  5. didleoman
    Chameleon Skink

    didleoman New Member

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    my point of fleeing was reference to the OP

    his point is referring to the roll of 6 for animosity "We'll show'em"
    this makes the unit move forward d6 and can count as a charge if it touches an enemy
    this movement is a bonus to the distance they move as they still have a normal move action afterward

    so that being said i still believe that if the free move places you >50% through the next friendly unit you'd pop out on the other side but not in contact with an enemy
    if you are <50% you stop before the friendly unit
  6. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    hmm I understand, but I still think that such a movment wouldn't be coordinated enough for a unit to actualy move through another an pop out on the other side with their ranks and files in place.. Think of it as an actual burst of adrenaline (and maybe a bit of dumbness ;) ) as the greenskins mindlessly throw themselves towards the enemy. It just seems higly unlikely to me, but again I could be wrong.
  7. kroxigor01

    kroxigor01 Member

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    Wouldn't they just hit the unit in front of them and stop? You can only move through a unit while fleeing (apart from a few exceptions like fanatics). And their is nothing in the rules to punish units from hitting other units (apart from stupidity). I think that RAW is that if you hit a unit you stop with no other ill benefit.
  8. Nexus

    Nexus New Member

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    I threw around the ideas you guys posted and it looks like we're gonna try a combo of these two.

    "if you hit a friendly unit and would end up over 50% through, then you pop out the other side and both unit are pinned, if you would be under 50%, it just hits the unit and stops"

    Yeah i do, thanks.

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