I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Lizards for six years of good and bad but mostly good gaming, it's been fun guys. Believe me this is not a by-choice-retirement plan I have accepted, more one that entails the city bus driving off with my entire lizard army and a decent portion of my budding skaven army still booked as passengers. So saying I am not out of the game but my time with the Lizards has come to an end (this is the second army in 5 years to leave in such a manner. I'm thinking that I need to take lessons from Freddy Four Fingers and physically attach the carrying case to my arm). I'll be back to check up on the dinos every once-in-a-while, but it's now skaven who are my focus (maybe I'll have better luck at keeping them with me). Well anyways, see ya guys, it's been fun. P.S. I still have 8 CoC models and a enough bitz to bury a Carnisaur so if anyone is interested in a trade or what not I'm looking for skaven bits, mainly anything to do with the Plague Furnace. I'm converting 2 O&G Rock Lobbas into Plagueclaw Catapults, so the plague theme stuff is useful. Or if anyone has 2 plague monks that they are not using and any old clan rat models would be cool. thanks
Wow that sucks. No chance of ringing the bus depot and getting it back? I've had a few friends leave stuff on buses and generally they have good luck getting them back. Its worth a try anyway.
Calling the bus was the first thing I did but I have yet to know someone who has left something on the bus and gotten it back. The last time I left an army on the bus I pissed off the lost and found peoples calling so much. How it works is you call, give a description of the lost object and they call you back if they have it. Kinda broken system but eh...
Careful, just don't go near the bookies like that or Tyrone might drive into you, won't you, Tyrone? 'Course he will.
And I thought I had a bad time loosing my cold one cavalry a couple weeks back, but a whole army? jeez, bad luck, well, good luck with the skaven at least.
Ohhhhhhhhh man... I don't even know what to say. Message me a PO box or something; I'll send you a box of Skavens. Seriously. I get store credit for tournaments, and I have more Lizards than I can ever paint.